What is the frequency? The 4-hour Renewal course is offered on one Friday of each month, as well as two Saturday's each month, from 8:00am to Noon or 12:30pm. If a small minority of people attempt such an insurrection to grab power and enslave the people, the RKBA of the whole is our insurance against their success. The applicant should articulate the threat as it applies personally to the applicant, his or her family, or employees. The finding of good cause should recognize that individuals may also face threats to their safety by virtue of their profession, business or status and by . Note: These examples are not Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Application for CCW, the applicant must show "good cause" exists for the issuance of a CCW permit. DuetothefactthatIamacraftsman/TeacherandIworkwithalltypesofmaterialIfindmyself, havingtodriveandentersomeoffthepathplacestopurchase,usuallyincash,materialsanditemssuch, asrarewoods,agedmetalobjectsandfurniturenotavailableinlocalstores. (e.g. Sonoma County CCW Information Sonoma County CCW Information, Records, and Analysis Sheriff: Steve Freitas Department: Sonoma County Sheriff's Department Address: 2796 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403 Phone: (707) 565-2781 Fax: (707) 565-6018 CCW Web link: http://www.sonomasheriff.org/ccw The men claimed to be looking for a waterfall, but were lacking details I expected them to know. Due to this, I am at a high risk of criminal attack by thieves when transporting and riding this equipment. When I am not working as a diesel mechanic, I am also an avid antiques collector and travel around California to find good deals on antiques. I have been approved for one with a solid Yellow Good Cause statement - meaning, my job puts me at a heightened risk of injury and no other precautions are suitable to prevent or reduce the chances of something happening. Calguns.org Forums. If your good cause is you transport valuables, then write about a time when you were in fear of being attacked, robbed, or injured. Do you have any certifications?3. The instructor would check your target at each distance and if you had more than 3 hits outside you'd have to start over. These GC policies are usually based upon CA State AG John Van de Kamp's early 1980s Opinion letter and require a number of additional conditions be present. (written description of your business activities, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc) N.B. Thanks. A California Sheriff has broad discretion as provided in Penal Code Section 26150(a) to issue a CCW to those qualified Riverside County citizens that demonstrate both "good cause" and "good moral character. Current availability totals 8,977 square feet. Feeling that their questions were suspicious and that their back story lacked details, I made quick work of reloading my vehicle and gave them the impression that I had completed riding and was on my way out. example is to provide you with just a few examples. El Dorado, For more information, please see our These examples can be successful when used properly in the application. CCW Policy. If applying for a RENEWAL Concealed Carry Weapon license completion of a 4-hour firearms training course with a recognized Firearms Instructor is required prior to issuance. Lmao. Personal protection or self-defense is sufficient to establish good cause I'm sure some of you are aware that Paladin from the CalGuns forum has color-coded the California counties showcasing how difficult it is to get a CCW. This thread is in the wrong forum. that CA DOJ BOF is not publishing up to date CCW issuance info every year. I'm pretty sure Kern county's good case policy is "I leave my house sometimes". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is HUGE for LA County residents. I have a white collar job, and work 3 miles away from home so not all too bummed about it. While at work I have the security of an in-place infrastructure for safety, while I am commuting I do not. 5 years from arrest or conviction. Each individual has her/her own Good Cause, and this They may just tell you to buy insurance. whether or not your "good cause" is going to pass). (10), LASD: add WML and RedDot to gun on license? Whether that gun cost you $349 or $1,100 it's worth every penny if it saves your life, or the life of someone you love. -Tim Schmit, CCW Magazine July 2015, NRA Lifetime Member : CalGuns Lifetime Member : GOA Lifetime Member. Please note that these are his words, not mine. Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, value of equipment. LASD under Sheriff Jim McDonnell was like this per the CSA's report: 25 out of 25 audited files did not follow their own CCW policy re. LEARN MORE NOW I'm really glad I live in a green county. Ihadtoexitthevehicletoopenthe, entrancegatetothejobsitewhenIwasconfrontedbytwomenaskingifIcangivethemarideorgivethem, money. It is not out of the ordinary for me to transport upwards of $10,000 dollars worth of bicycles in my vehicle. "The best gun is the one you'll have on you when you need it the most, the one you know how to use, the one that goes BANG every single time you pull the trigger. Remember: we should win a robust 2nd A RBA from SCOTUS by 2022 July 01. While conversing with me, they asked several questions about my equipment, showed interest in it and inquired about values. (e.g. N.B. I thought for sure all the yuppies there would be appalled that you can get a carry permit there. I was wondering about this one too. Any advice? WhenItoldthemno,theybecamemorehostileanddemandedinathreateningmannerthatItakethem, orgivethemmoney. Calguns.net Forums . I can assure you there is at least 2 lol. Include as much detail as you feel necessary, keeping in mind that specific events or threats may need to be supported with documentation including police reports. Is that better? Like if you use camping, be sure to have receipts for camping gear and photos showing you camping. I wonder who has gotten one recently there to make the map like this? ), Step 3 Tell Your True Story. So it would actually be .19%, rounded up to .2% like he stated. Not necessarily. Specifically in counties that are more difficult to receive them. Someoftheseareascanbedarkandsecluded. DearRiversideCountySheriffsDepartment: Thisletterismyformalrequesttobeapprovedforaconcealedcarrypermitbythesheriffs, office. Seq., and subject to Department policy and procedures, any Los Angeles County resident may be issued a CCW from the Sheriff, if qualified. The information provided inthe training packet is REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz Atty. So make sure you have a valid reason for conceal carry California before requesting CCWL. Privacy Policy. Iunderstandandfullyrespectthepoweranddangertheycancausebothtomyselfand, others. Mine didnt even interview me. (14) Business owners who are at heightened risk due to valuables associated with their profession or business activities (e.g., Au/Ag dealers, jewelry dealers, MD/pharmacists/pharma sales rep, business owner or landlord making cash sales or rental deposits, maybe NRA Instructor, RSO and FFL dealers due to regularly transporting "inherently dangerous property"). Provide police reports if available.Example: On a job sight or work location I was confronted by 3 men who were confrontational and trespassing on private property. You seem really nice, we should hang out all the time. Good cause could include, but is not limited to, verifiable documented instances of threats to the personal safety of the applicant, his or her family, or employees. I think you're off by a factor of 100. Traveling with equipment holding sensitive data is a valid reason. County sheriffs enforce this policy, and in San Diego, Los Angeles and other urban counties, permits are rarely granted. I've been told the speed of your CCW here can be quicker if you take the class with a certain instructor, "take it with X and he's got you your CCW in 2 weeks," from a few folks now. Press J to jump to the feed. (Use trail maps, calendars, log books, receipts from campgrounds and photos as proof. . The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population. Goto the link below for information High end bicycles such as these are very attractive to thieves since their resale is very high. and our Powered by Squarespace. If your good cause is you transport valuables, then write about a time when you were in fear of being attacked, robbed, or injured. If your county is not listed above, we do not have information on the good cause (or just cause) requirements for that county. I have a friend in a light red county who works in a county jail on the civilian staff side. and our The OP should use 2014 Dec numbers from here when he doesn't have more recent numbers: It's B.S. This occurred in an area with poor cell phone reception where I was isolated and police response time would be considerable. I am also in tech like you are but I only came up with a simple but honest good cause self defense and protect my family . Website developed, maintained and hosted by Best Handgun Training, Inc. amples are not (13) Business owners required to work at all hours in remote locales with little or no cellphone coverage and/or long LE response times (e.g., professional farmer or rancher, wilderness photographer, surveyor, contractor). (12) The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population (e.g., private investigators, some lawyers, process servers, plain clothes security guards, bodyguards, fugitive recovery agents/"bounty hunters," taxi drivers). A task of the business or occupation of the applicant requires transportation of large sums of money or other valuables and alternative protective measures or security cannot be employed.4. Thieves also frequently troll these staging areas looking for targets. directions. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Anti Slip Coating UAE It's harder to get a complete list for MA because CCW issuance is different in each town (and there are a lot more MA towns than CA counties). JustasIwasabouttocontactthepolice,aco-worker, ThisoneincidentleftmefeelingreallyvulnerablebecauseIfearedformylife. This is pretty big. Talk about something that actually happened that relates back to your good cause. When will you be attacked? This may or may not be accepted, depending on the issuing agency. 504 E Alvarado St. #207 Fallbrook, CA 92028 760.451.6694. I also have experience hunting both deer and elk. The Calguns Foundation (CGF) ( www.calgunsfoundation.org) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization that serves its members, supporters, and the public through educational, cultural, and judicial. The firearm cannot be registered to any other family member. I don't think any of those numbers is particularly realistic at this point but I wanted to see something that gives a general sense of what the numbers should look like based on available data. It is worth noting that the colors may be off by one color however given that someone just got their CCW in a light red county (Los Angeles) it may be worth trying if you have a "yellow" GC. According to the FAQ, this is the only space available for lease in the NRA headquarters building. If other people have any experiences I would love to hear them. It was obvious to me they were not there for business reasons. The following are only examples of good cause statements used by other applicants in various counties here in CA. The "expensive stuff in my car" line is very acceptable with OCSD. (SF, LA and Alameda have this as their only acceptable GC, but I've heard Alameda & LA do not approve or deny not in conformity to their published policy. I don't really have any good cause statements that I could come up with other than the fact I work in information security and have to deal with laptops and other devices with sensitive data that I have to carry around. Percent means per 100. OvertheyearsIhaveencounteredsituationswhereIdidnotfeelcomfortable, continuingwiththepurchaseandwasabletoleavebecauseIfeltunsafewiththepeopleinvolvedand, thesurroundingsbuttherehavebeenafewtimewhereIwasunabletoturnandleavewithoutafaceto, faceconfrontationwiththeseller/sellersandhadtodefendnotonlymyselfbutthemoney,whichthey, knewIwascarrying,inordertomakemyexit. with the Placer County Sheriff's Department. Talk about something that actually happened that relates back to your good cause. Epoxy Flooring UAE; Floor Coating UAE; Self Leveling Floor Coating; Wood Finishes and Coating; Functional Coatings. Right now I shoot about once a month and completed my CCW training with Riverside Indoor Shooting Range where I have already qualified with my firearm. The article above says the "average" issuance per county is 3. There are 3 levels in Dark Red (from most restrictive to least): actual No Issue. Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc. 2017 Best Handgun Training, Inc. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This is the CA "Good Cause" requirement by County map. The letter will be sent out under the name of the Sheriff, "By" the reviewing sergeant pursuant to Section J 0100 of the Sheriff's Office Policy and Procedure Manual. It helps if you have a documented stalker. (copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job at remote locations, value of equipment, etc) N.B. If you have previously been denied and you believe you have a strong case, I highly recommend applying again under the new issuing guidelines. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thank god I live in a green county where the 2A is seen as a constitutional right, Which thankfully Monterey is pretty gun freind ly. LA: 1 page Fact Sheet: http://www.auditor.ca.gov/pdfs/factsheets/2017-101.pdf Audit Summary: http://www.auditor.ca.gov/reports/2017-101/summary.html Full, 88 page report: http://www.auditor.ca.gov/pdfs/reports/2017-101.pdf One year later, LASD under Sheriff AV has still not complied with the CSA's recommendations. Please refer to your classroom lesson as well as the training packet How long have you been involved in the shooting sports?5. My wife and I both share a passion for antiquing, we could have anywhere from a couple hundred to thousands of dollars in cash or valuables with us. endorsed by any law enforcement agency. Never really felt the need to carry, but would be nice to have the option. Step 2 The Who, What, Where, How, and When Details1. Burglars, robbers, terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, or a specific threat)2. Taft, California. amc 24 showtimes. This letter is my formal request to be approved for a concealed carry permit by the sheriffs office. Nos. Note: Applications, Denials/Revocations & Cases of Good Cause Pending . I've heard that Sacramento County is handing them out like candy. My interview date is 12/8/21. Ivebeenin, constructionforover15yearsandhavetraveledthroughoutSouthernCaliforniatovariousCountiesrangingfrom, LosAngelesandSanBernardinotodifferentjobsites. (3) You have a medical condition (e.g., heart disease, elderly) that makes running, hiding or fighting unrealistic. Remember, Good Cause has to do with your risk level compared to the general public and not how good you are with a firearm. Some counties require much more, some counties require much less. (8) Lives in a remote area with little or no cellphone coverage and/or long LE response times. It was decades ago so I might give it a shot if I tighten up my accuracy. Gun rights activists are celebrating the 6-3 decision, while advocates for stricter gun laws decry it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Now as @MikeBKY pointed out, in a can issue county such as Los Angeles the definition of cause is subjective to that sheriff's opinion vs a shall issue county such as surrounding Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino . Liquor Store, Mini-Mart, Bank, Cash Only Business, Check Cashing or Hard Loan Business)5. Iusethismaterialbothin, myprivatehomestudioandtobuildaninexpensivesurplusformyhighschoolstudentstouse, throughouttheyears. 01-26-2023 8:28 PM by Vinnie Boombatz. If the main site is down Enter the. (e.g. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Borrow as many of the reasons that fit for you, and then be sure you can document the reasons you use with evidence. What about "I carry thousands of dollars worth of gun at night, so would like to concealed carry it to protect the value of the gun I'm carrying". The recent big update is coming into Los Angeles. %%EOF You will have to select an instructor based on ones they have approved. I've heard that you may need to apply to the specific city you're in 1st (through the LAPD . Thanks OP for your time to put the pieces together, nice works. N.B. My county(Sonoma) has historically been a red county but with our new sherif we have become a light green county. Provide police reports if available.Example: On a job site or work location I was confronted by 3 men who were confrontational and trespassing on private property. Remember, Good Cause has to do with your risk level compared to the general public and not how good you are with a firearm.______________________________________________________________________________Step 5 Make a Request for Your Permit:I am afraid that I will be killed or injured as a result of these activities. I made a video summarizing good cause and what that means in California counties based on the general color of them from the calguns map. DuetothereasonslistedaboveIfeelthatIandatriskofbeingseriouslyharmed. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. To qualify for a CCW license, you must: Be a resident of the county where you are applying; Be 21 or older; Provide a "good cause" for why you should be issued a license; Provide proof of ownership or registration of the firearm you want to be licensed to carry; and Take an approved CCW training course. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When could you be attacked? Protection of property, real or intellectual, is unlikely to be accepted as GC. Provide note from MD and/or PT on letterhead explaining condition, etc.). California Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a sheriff of a county or the chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city or city and county may issue a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person (CCW license). Have you graduated from any training classes?4. California dropped its "good cause" requirement for concealed carry permit issuance days after the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) struck down New York's proper cause requirement for concealed carry. Myoccupationasaspecialinspectorrequiresmetocarryandtransportvariousexpensivetoolsto, conductmywork. Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued one of its most significant gun law rulings in more than a decade, tossing out New York state's tight restrictions on who can carry a concealed gun in public. These examples are just that. (Proof includes police reports (if BG unknown), permanent restraining order (if BG known), evidence of current threats (e.g., audio recordings, video/pictures, written threats, etc).) You should investigate reasonsIamrequestingthatIbegrantedaconcealedweaponspermit. Its super fucked, and as an LEO, I have no problem saying that. (38), Unsure of Which County To Register In (10), TSA At LAX Does Enhanced Screening Because Pax Had CCW Permit (25), Traveling cross country to the Midwest - Carry in states that allow it? Step 4 What is Your Experience Level?Your level of proficiency does not necessarily count as your good cause, but it is important to add a sentence or two to your good cause statement talking about your experience and training with firearms.1. Good Character- Applicants must have good character with respect to their ability to responsibly and safely carry and use a concealed weapon Good Cause- Proof that good cause exists for the issuance. This is not an uncommon environment for where I frequently train. Here's an updated map showing level of good cause issue for CA. Riverside County Good Cause Worksheet___________________________________________________________________Step 1 - The Ask:Example: I am asking to be issued a CCW so I can legally carry a firearm because I am at greater risk that the general public because I ____________.___________________________________________________________________Step 2 - Details:Make the case for why you are a target.Who will attack you? cause and issuance policies. (Going through the process might be good practice.) Good Cause WorksheetWhat is the Sheriff looking for in a good cause statement?A good cause statement is a set of circumstances that distinguishes you from other members of the general public and causes you to be placed in harms way. The 2nd Ammendment guaranteesthe PeopleThe Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Using your words, tell your true story to explain exactly what you Using your own words, write a paragraph or two that is a story about something that you have experienced that leads you to believe what you require a CCW. The firearm also cannot be registered as a "single shot." 4-hour firearms training course. The occupation or business of the applicant is such that no means of protection, security, or risk avoidance can mitigate the risk, other than the carrying of a concealed firearm.6. I suspect the only real hurdle these days is the in-person interview, but if you dont have a criminal record or do anything dumb it should be pretty easy to receive a CCW. ambush you while you are in a bad part of town with your valuables, follow you to or from work late at night, physically attack you while in a secluded area alone, carjacking, rape, robbery, kidnapping, physical limitation or disability that prevents you from running away or fighting back, etc.)5. (15) They are at heightened risk due to a documented "clear & present danger to life, or great bodily harm" against them or an immediate family member (e.g., crazy ex- or disgruntled fired employee, stalker, anonymous nut case/evildoer, etc.). Yellow county might as well be red. The space listed for lease is described as general office. Good work. How would I go about getting one in San Diego? Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc N.B. If youre in a light red county, you are not getting a CCW unless you donate large amounts of money to the sheriff, or you know them personally. The below GC categories are listed from, roughly, weakest to strongest. STEP 1: Watch the video STEP 2: Visit the San Diego Sheriff's CCW Webpage VISIT WEBSITE STEP 3: Browse the SDCGO Good Cause Worksheets VIEW PDF STEP 4: A lot of people simply state their good cause as self-defense. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You may wish to do more research through the sheriff's department website, or by visiting www.calguns.net for a good forum on good cause and issuance policies. Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. Already one person with a "light red" Good Cause has been approved for a CCW. I made a video summarizing good cause and what that means in California counties based on the general color of them from the calguns map. I put down that I play in a band at various locations in Bakersfield (Kern), I carry thousands of dollars worth of equipment and load and unload at night.