curse of strahd mad mage stats +1 (760) 205-9936. Margaret was the nursemaid of the Durst family, and the mother of Walter Durst. How do I make a super cool final boss for my players? They associate its image and power with that of Strahd, the Land. [6], In addition to many scrolls and potions, Mordenkainen was known to possess a bag of holding, a set of bracers of defense, a crystal ball, a +1 dagger, an efreeti bottle, a wand of cold, a wand of fear, and three pearls of power. (Players can attempt to visit him by walking round the lake, or by taking fishing . If you're a new GM preparing to run Curse of Strahd, you'll need to know: your players can either start at third level, or they can run through the introductory adventure "Death House." Before "Death House" you'll likely want to run one of the initial adventure hooks: "Plea For Help," "Mysterious Visitors," "Werewolves in the . He teaches the contents of the books at St. Andral's Church and Orphanage, as well as privately. She became obsessed with him, even following his deadly conquests into Barovia after she became estranged from him. If the heroes accept the dinner invitation, Strahd actually does host a feast for them and thanks them. Catch it here! She is the only bride to have still been outside the valley upon accepting a proposal. Locally, he is only known as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok. CR 18/19) Arveia, Ashes, Cassius, Gerry, and Vel DO NOT READ. Curse of Strahd: Revamped: October 20, 2020: Softcover edition of Curse of Strahd, Creatures of Horror bestiary, a 54-card tarokka deck, a Tarokka Deck booklet, a DM Screen, double-sided poster map, Strahd cover sheet, tuck box for the cards and 12 postcards. Ludmilla is the oldest current consort of Strahd, and considers herself the most indispensable, being a de-facto court mage. There are segments of Barovian society that resist Strahds rule. The Darklord killed all of their women after the death of Patrina Velikovna, a dusk elf female who sought to become his bride but who was stoned to death by her own people. Mordenkainen with his staff. This is using Curse of Strahd, based in an alternate version of our Earth, where the fantastical is possible! I remember him like it was yesterday. Viggo is the more curious of the Tomescu twins, often getting into trouble at the Wizard of the Wines. You can draw inspiration from films like Midsommar to emphasize the creepiness of suchcelebrations! My question is: Does his appearance in Curse of Strahd make sense with the timeline? I'll put the main points under spoilers if anyone wants to browse. Lazlo is a bookbinder on Fidatov estate, and has worked closely with Fidatova's family since he was young. Complete list of every named creature with an accociated statblock as written in the Curse of Strahd module. Earl Felwinter was the ruler of Felwinter Isle and a victim of Captain Eriana's satiation of Scylla. She is sealed in the crypts of Ravenloft, with Strahd having long-since tired of her ingenuine love. Father Lucien is the philanthropic priest at St. Andral's Church, burdened with the secrets of decades of confessions. Strahd based purely on his stat block is problematic to say the least. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Mordenkainen's defense against lycanthropes, Mordenkainen's defense against nonmagical reptiles and amphibians, Mordenkainen's faithful phantom defenders, Mordenkainen's faithful phantom shield-maidens, Mordenkainen's protection from insects and arachnids, Inhabitants with a 12 challenge rating (5e), Inhabitants with a 27 challenge rating (3e). The Fey Queen of Diamonds is a winter eladrin that owned territory in the Daraman feywild, and would routinely make humans in the city disappear by sending them forward in time. Triumphant in his centuries-long pursuit of his Whether Strahd truly understands the nature of the Dark Powers that have shackled him to the Domains of Dread is a matter up for debate. 978-0786965984. Strahd is the ruler of Barovia on the material realm, and is well loved as an enlightened despot. Volenta is Strahd's youngest active bride, and a former courtesan. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Willemina owns a shoe shop in Vallaki, but has spent most of her time at St. Andral's Church in protest of her son's arrest. A rare moment of rest as the party decide what to do next. The characters wanted to convince him to join their fight against Strahd. More from this Title's Contributors. If the fight plays out in a satisfactory and fun ending then your job is done (even if it happens to be a whimper instead of a bang). Only instead I made Strahd have an illegitimate son, who he technically took by force to be raised in his domain. The Mad Mage. He was discovered to still be alive, though living in the foothills of Mount Baratok, having driven himself insane with a mind blank spell to prevent any vampiric corruption. [4], Mordenkainen had a hawk-like face, with a permanent frown that gave the appearance of alertness and almost anger, and a penetrating gaze. Mishka is the murderous miscreant of the Belview family, and likes to pull lethal pranks on anyone he can. When he made his pact, the dark lords granted him an immortal name, making him an immortal undead, and the company of the ones he loved, by having them reincarnate each time in a person that won't love him." The real problem is that he will never be able to grasp a living person, so the Abbot is trying to make an undead lover for Strahd.The fun thing is that the book already gives us a dead lover that could take the place of Tatyana in Strahd's heart: Petrina. [16] On occasion, the two were also joined by Dalamar of Krynn. If he Casts time stop, he'll be able to do it again after a long rest when his spell . Dhavit is the endlessly busy chef at Wachterhaus. His impeccable memory makes up for his dreadful handwriting. On the day of Tatyana and Sergeis wedding, Strahd flew into a rage and murdered his brother. Mordenkainen (pronounced:/mrdnkenn/MOR-den-kay-nen[10] listen or:/mrdnkenn/mor-den-KAY-nen[11] or:/mrdnkann/mor-den-KIGH-nen[11]) was a prolific archmage from the world of Oerth who was responsible for many powerful and useful spells. Kellen is a survivor of one of Kiril's ring of stone matches, ridden with guilt over it. Well, I cant answer that question, but I can give you some tips on how to run my favorite villain of all time. Nero is the younger and more aggressive of the two guard dogs of the Baron. With so many to choose from it can be . Walter was the child of Gustav Durst and Margaret, and was killed by Elisabeth for her cult's final ritual. Queen Ravenovia van Roeyen - not Queen Ravonia. Blinsky is the founder of Blinsky toys, and aims to improve the world with his strange creations, one smile at a time. Grygori is one of many talented smiths in his ancestry, having still only inherited a fraction of the abilities of the man he believes worked simultaneously with Strahd and Artimus Fidatov. Baratok and became friends. It is debated whether he was mad or an ambitious jester. Mordenkainen is a power wizard NPC from the outlander world of Oerth (the world of the Greyhawk campaign setting) and the in-game creator of a number of different famous spells from the Player's Handbook such as Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion. In this article, we'll introduce you to the most important things to know before you begin your adventures in this dark land. We've already been saving your edits, so if you Lady Liliana was the older of the scout sisters, and a knight of Archamian. Prefect Ciril was the leader of King Barov's church and the spiritual counsellor of the Queen's Knights of the Raven. - Arabelle (obsessor). As understood, expertise does not recommend that you have fabulous points. Natasha the Dark is a demonologist and highly experienced archmage, and survived what she would consider her 'learning' battle with Strahd. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? Lathander the Morninglord is the god of birth, vitality and the sun. Use the Archmage in your campaign now with stats! Rowena is an adventurer and the favoured, exemplary daughter of the true Medusa. Recharged: Tomb of Annihilation. 0. Possibly because of his simple outlook, he has a remarkable way with animals. Just so you know, Ireena's stat block for a lv 3 fighter as her . Old Svalich Road cuts through Barovia and has been trodden by many adventurers over the years. Since then this module has been a fan favorite for new and experienced players alike, and of course the main focus is our big bad evil guy Strahd von Zarovich himself. Jeny owns a mysterious apothecary shack outside of Vallaki visited only by desperate townsfolk. He stood exactly where youre standing. Ilya is the only currently living son of the Burgomaster, since having been revived by the Abbot. Endorovich the Terrible was a ruthless and successful general who prematurely retired after the death of Marya of Barovia. He may be chosen as Strahd's Enemy by the card reading of Madame Eva but will not otherwise accompany the party if healed. Baratok is actually Mordenkainen who has gone mad. , so there's nothing to lose. Henrik is a lonely coffin-maker whose trade and demeanour has given way to many unflattering rumours over the years. 16 Feb 2023 14:45:41 Ezmerelda d'Avenir was the protg of Dr. Van Richten, and has become a formidable huntress in her own right, using more aggressive methods. E cos mai potrai amarla. As such, I have needed to adjust certain things within the adventure in order for them to present a significant challenge to the party. Sophia was the middle daughter of Anna and Dmitri Krezkov, and died from a hereditary disease. Attention PDF authors and publishers: Da Archive runs on your tolerance. Godfrey was a high-ranking Knight of the Silver Dragon during the fall of the order, events which led to him become a revenant. His voice was deep and melodic. and a horrifying man/wolf hybrid - a werewolf - just as Mahel warned. So, reading ahead in the Curse of Strahd manual, I see that the players can learn that the Mad Mage of Mt. Miranda is a travelling saleswoman who lives at the Tser Pool camp. I just finished CoS with my playgroup (I'm the DM) - and I made some changes to the way things played out, mostly because my players are very creative, and love to screw up Strahd's plans.I felt like the pacing was off with how open this campaign is, so I added an extra story hook about one of the vestiges in the amber temple breaking free. Recharged: Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Feel free to use any part of this as you please. Lord Argynvost was the commanding founder of the Order of the Silver Dragon, and is widely considered to have been Strahd's greatest adversary during the latter's conquest. Tatyana was the fiance of Sergei von Zarovich, and is the only victim of Strahd's curse whose soul reincarnates perfectly. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. Ben is a serving swain at the Hoofprint inn in Merryway. Subtle and non-immersion-breaking ads, old lore with new twists, it has everything that I look for in a D&D Beyond article. Ulysses of Eros was a paladin of Sune who went on a vision quest south to respond to Sasha Ivliskova's pursuit. So from desire you'll always be tormented Perci dal desiderio sarai sempre tormentato, and to this place you'll always be cemented" E a questo luogo per sempre tu sarai legato.. He was trying to revive her dead pet cat, when his soul clinged to Stella's body. Ezekiel is a Prince of Agartha and a chosen of Lathander. Guards littered Strahd with arrows as penance, but the son of King Barov had consumed the blood of his brother and embraced undeath. Bianca is the sadistic mate of Kiril, sharing much of his philosophy on what a werewolf should be. Victor has agreed to travel with the players after Amari revealed that no one can leave Barovia, even by magical means, unless Strahd is killed. Luvash is the son of Madam Eva, and the de-facto leader of the Vistani in Barovia. Franz is the artistic nephew of Skennis, former alpha of the werewolf pack. Curse of Strahd begins with an optional one-shot called Death House, a three-floor dungeon that lets players explore while advancing their characters from first to third level.DMs and players can decide whether or not to start with it, but either way, players will enter Barovia proper at level three. Lord Nikolai is the eldest Wachter child, and a fervent alcoholic, constantly searching for mischievous distractions from his nobility. When mad, his eyes crackled with eldritch power. Aziana is a childhood friend of Zuleika, and a guard of the Werewolf Den. Vortico was a former highwayman travelling across Agarthia who hid in a Vistani wagon with the intention of stealing it. He believes that if he can make all of his people happy, then they can escape Strahd. When the character is resurrected they gain a form of indefinite madness from realizing that their spirit is trapped in Ravenloft, possibly forever. Laura is the captive of Baba Lysaga and the secret to their symbiotic immortality. Intree was the primary counsellor for King Barov during his rule, and taught battle strategy to a young Strahd. Mordenkainen's Magnificent Statblock is here! If you want your players to experience horror, they should never really grasp them. Lady Isolde the Incredible was an antique trader and old associate of the Zarovich family. Sir. In Curse of Strahd. 1-10. I'll put everything under spoiler for obvious reasons :). The Demogoron is the self-proclaimed Prince of Demons, and one of the most infamous demon lords. He is privately very religious and deluded. Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links that add gold to our coffers. Sir. An overlooked miswriting on my part, perhaps caused by the ravens who have been chattering by my window sill all evening as if wishing to see what I am putting to paper. Haliq is the loyal valet of the Lady Wachter, and her closest confidant regarding her book club. Strahd didnt make it this far because he has great spells or a really cool big sword, he made it here because he understood how to turn every fight in his favor (although fireball probably did help). Danika is the tough but kind-hearted owner of the Blue Water Inn in Vallaki. Authors. I purposedly put inside a play on words, withnever in lifemeaning thatin death he could actually love them. Either to taunt them or try to win them over and have them join his side, and with the excellent writing present in this module some of the more morally ambiguous PCs may find themselves tempted to even join him. At some point, Strahd became too lonely and returned to the material realm to spend an evening with Tatyana. Myrtle is the daughter of the Kreivas, who loaned her in order to fund their dream addiction. Udo is the missing shoemaker of Vallaki, having led a small protest against the Baron at the Wolf Jamboree. Ireena Kolyana is the daughter of Kolyan Indirovich, and the primary object of Strahd's affection. Sasha is a reincarnation of Tatyana, and vampire spawn of Strahd. Tenebrous is an aspect of Orcus' soul, and the first successful lich. Instead of her being obviously evil (which by the way everyone figures out as soon as you mention "her sorrow soul asking for forgiveness so you should totally bring her back to life"), she is truly repented. Put that eldritch imagination to the test, and remember to tease your players with this iconic line:The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner and you are invited!. Mordenkainen is a powerful wizard who rallied the population of Barovia to his side and led an attack against Castle Ravenloft approximately one year ago. Most villagers can't remember a time when she wasn't in business.