Joan ultimately saves Vera during the prison explosion and goes on the . (Picture: Foxtel) It's a nightmare that Vera Bennett, Will Jackson and Jake Stewart never imagined they would have to relive but thanks to the input . And it could be fatal. S1 E9 Following the riot, Bea must balance an uneasy peace with Ferguson with the needs and expectations of the women. Sean points a gun to everyone, and threatens to shoot Vera. So Franky fronts the parole board, under-prepared, and with a gutful of heroin that may just kill her. Lou discovers her phone is missing and all the money for Reb's transition surgery has been stolen. Later Vera taunts Joan and says that she could've walked free and what her "end game was.". But Ferguson has underestimated Bea, who starts a riot amongst the prisoners. Why Bernard Curry gave up LA to play opposite The Freak - news Under the pump and certain that Ferguson is planning to ambush her chances, Franky offends former lover Kim, who retaliates by planting drugs, in the form of heroin-filled balloons, in Franky's cell. Vera is threatened by Sean, and is taken into the laundry where other hostages are. Vera in episode two announces she is handing over the governorship to Will as she is going on reduced duties and is clearly amused when Linda asks who will be acting deputy, Vera is also asked by Greg Miller before she goes on her leave to help him get better binding because of her good relationship to the prisoners and has good knowledge of them and what makes them tick, telling Greg to appeal to Boomer's better nature and for Liz's ongoing struggles with dementia. Jake later takes Eve to kitchen duty where zheng isn't happy about it. After this he attempted to commit suicide, but failed. I see a lot of people saying Jake was just caught up in a bad situation with Ferguson (and hence Vera should take him back) but imho what Brody implied is that Jake was in no way innocent before getting involved in all that. S7 E6 The final season of the award-winning series begins three weeks after the shivving of Allie. Vera in her office watches Linda spray Judy on Ann's orders and reports her for it. He soon became used as a pawn by Ferguson after she helped him with his drug debt. Seeing Red. He is later seen in the shower block when Allie shivs her own legs.. Jake is last seen when Ann says she would like a car ride home as her "calf is playing up". Doreen agonises over the well-being of the baby but finds solace in an unlikely piece of advice from Jess. With Franky in the slot, Jacs is ruling the prison and the women are living in fear. Collateral. Categories. Marie and Lou become unlikely allies, while retribution for Reb's life comes at a deadly price. Franky finds her life unravelling when the man she assaulted, Mike Pennisi, reappears. Jake is also there when Liz wants to tango with someone but not one of the prisoners know how to, Jake decides to tango and tick of an item on Liz's list. Judy makes an enemy of Ann Reynolds, but enables Ruby to finally get in touch with Rita. Who Dies in the Season Finale of 'Wentworth' Season 5? Kaz and Rita form an alliance. Channing attempts damage control, but Jodie's accusations of brutality promise to be very damaging for the Governor. But when the body is revealed to be Kosta's the SOG are sent in to help end the siege. Is told to get the hurry on by Linda about Ruby not returning. Vera then has a argument with Jake after he finds out from Miller that she is having a girl, she tells Jake he can't play the victim card and Jake storms out, as Vera later has words with Miller, she later gives Jake an ultrasound pic and receives apology flowers from Miller, and allows Kaz to stay with Liz in medical after she has an episode. My second most hated character is Allie, and finally, my third most hated character is Allie. Franky's under fire. Franky pays a high price in the name of retribution. Vera reveals to the women that Marie is working with Sean and its an escape. Jake helps Joan gets into the box in the workshop to be shipped out. He later finds out that Vera is pregnant and he says he can make it work, but Vera refuses and tells him he will have nothing to do in her life or the babys. When Will enlists Kaz and Allie to help expose Jake as the dirty officer, the effects ricochet through Wentworth, testing long-term alliances, love and loyalties. Wentworth S6Ep12 Jake finds out Vera's pregnant - YouTube Vera is asked to ID Ferguson as she had no family left Vera confirms her identity. When Ferguson takes her revenge on the prisoners by bulldozing the garden project, Doreen turns her anger on Franky. Vera watches on as Joan freaks out and reveals she killed her, but when Linda knocks her out cold Joan is taken to medical where Greg tells Vera that whatever she said under LSD is meaningless. In episode 5, Jake sides with Vera and says that the memorial is a bad idea and during the memorial he talks with Linda who holds a fire extinguisher who tells him that the prison "isn't burning down on her watch." S6 E3 6. S4 E9 Jake makes a run for it and tells Vera that Ferguson is awake. Vera tells Ann that she needs help and Ann just brushes her off and blames Vera for not being there when her daughter died. S3 E3 S7 E4 Does Vera have Jake's baby? He says to Vera later she hasn't broken character and it might be the real deal. When she goes missing a search of the prison turns violent for Will and Fletch. The Things We Do, S1 E5 Boomer sets the cat among the pigeons when she implicates Liz. Vera runs into Miller and tells him to read several other inmates files on what Ferguson was involved in and Will later stand in the security room and threaten to bring down both Ferguson and Miller. Wentworth: Five things we learned from Season 5 Episode 11 Vera later tells Will about what happened and she says she needs to report her once and for all. He says that the whole thing probably involved a man. In episode six, Vera is present in the officer meeting when Ann says that she wants to find the camera at any cost. Vera talks with Ann and says that Ann needs to realise that she cannot bare an entire burden on herself. Vera talks with Marie and says that no one in the prison is the same since the siege. An isolated and paranoid Franky tries to uncover which inmate is leaking vital information to Ferguson. In episode one, Vera is first seen in the security room watching Ferguson in the kitchen, Jake says that she needs to stop because its interfering with her life. Will confronts Jake and makes him realise what he did for Joan. Vera asks Jake if he's been sexually assaulted he says that he doesn't know but was hit in the head. Allie returns to Wentworth seeking vengeance against Ferguson. Brody takes the drugs, but decides to keep his most valuable hostage, Vera, as leverage. The first ever conjugal visit takes place at the prison, and Boomer shamelessly attempts to impregnate herself to her deadbeat ex-boyfriend, Daz. Payback. Jake Stewart is former Deputy Governor of Wentworth Correctional Facility and a main character in the Foxtel series Wentworth.He was brought in to replace the character of Fletch in Season 4.. Jake originally worked at Walford until he feared he was going to lose his job for providing drugs to the prisoners. Kaz is released from the slot and the women soon realise she has profoundly changed. After the shocking death of Bea Smith (Danielle Cormack), inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional center have come a long way. The women and staff of Wentworth are reeling in the aftermath of Bea Smith's murder in a new era for the prison. Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissed and expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced to backtrack and enlist Bridget's help instead, when Ferguson makes a bid to be released into the general prison population. . Bitter Pill. Meanwhile, Bea seems to be losing control of the women so she forces a prison-wide vote to end the debate. Although she does become stricter she still a bit lenient as governor. Allie's torn between her allegiance to Kaz and the Red Right Hand, and her new friendship with Franky. S4 E3 Jake then later tells Joan to stay away from his family and baby. Joan ultimately saves Vera during the prison explosion and goes on the run again. Wentworth spoilers: Joan Ferguson back in prison as horror - Metro Wentworth Prison spoilers: Joan Ferguson kidnaps Vera's baby in - Metro With Bea in the slot, Ferguson intensifies her manipulation of Kaz. 10. Sins Of The Mother. Fractured. Vera makes her way to safety and is hugged by Jake. Mother. When the bus arrives and Kelly attacks a prisoner Jake runs on to the bus. The Danger Within. Jake is found by Vera when he is reported missing by another officer. Vera later talks with Greg and says she is worried for Linda and it might be related to the siege. Jake escorts Kelly into the prison and tells the staff to process her then slot her. Vera undermines Ferguson's "self-defence" plea in Bea Smith's slaying but her victory will come at a cost. Jake Stewart has clearly been unhappy about the arrival of former colleague Sean Brody at Wentworth. Atonement. Meanwhile, Doreen fronts the Board for her transfer application and makes an impassioned pitch. In prison no one can hear you scream: Allie Novak (Kate Jenkinson) in the final episode of Wentworth.Ben King. Bea faces down an assassination attempt from the Holt clan. Marie enacts her plan to bust out of Wentworth while Liz spirals into a psychotic meltdown. Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving . With Marie onside, the plan is underway - but may have terrible repercussions for Allie. One Eye Open. S1 E8 Jake later gives Eve wine and then talks with Vera about how well she has been sleeping because of Eve's tips. Fugitive. Jake is still seen on extremely shaky ground with Vera, and in the premiere is very protective of her, stopping a game of basketball due to Kosta becoming rowdy and throwing a ball at her and says "you could've hurt Vera." Wentworth Prison Quiz - JetPunk When Ferguson's pet goldfish dies, she identifies her lack of emotion at the death as a potential weakness, rather than strength. Bea awakes blissfully happy after a night with Allie but it is the eve of Ferguson's trial and the Freak has been relentless in putting the final touches to her scheme for freedom and exoneration. She smuggles evidence out of the psych unit, understanding she'll need to play the long game if she's going to defeat Ferguson. Jake gets into the prison during the night and talks with Sean and records the conversation about being set up and their days at Walford, as they are short staffed Linda has taken on a few of Jake's shifts and Sean receives a recording sent by Jake of their conversation, he goes outside and tells Sean his threat won't go through, but he reveals he has already told Vera, and that he learned from the best. Captive, S1 E7 Smitten. S2 E3 Franky has commenced her sessions with Bridget, and in a candid moment admits to a desire for revenge against Bea. Vera Bennett | Wentworth Wiki | Fandom When Joan walks off Vera passes out. S3 E10 S2 E6 Afterlife. Maxine is committed to the chemotherapy and her prison family rallies around her. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. 3. Stewart serves as acting deputy governor when Will is suspended for drugs, and is the father of Vera's baby Grace. But as much as she hates Jake, Vera wants to protect Will more. Wentworth's Last Sentence: Eighth Episode - AfterEllen Marie enlists Sheila's help to take out Lou, with tragic unforeseen consequences. Jake sees Allie as she tries to make her way back to the unit. With the prison in lockdown, tensions reach crisis point. she later tells him that he is compromised and that Marie manipulated him. kisha e shen palit en rochester. List of Wentworth characters - Wikipedia Later on he tells Liz that Artie is back to see her again. When word gets out that Franky is to be released back into the compound, Jacs plans a brutal attack. Vera later talks with Will about Ruby and Marie, and says that she did it for Rita and what Rita did was for Ruby, Vera learns that Danny's death was an accident, and makes sure she takes the paperwork when Ann asks where it is. Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving the promotion to Governor after the Wentworth fire. Happy Birthday, Vera. S9 E5 Jake, you naughty boy - what have you been up to? - Foxtel S5 E3 Jake is apart of the officer squad that breaks up the inmates after Rita Connors (Wentworth) beats Zara Dragovich to death, and Vera is taken to hospital after being knocked out. Vera refuses Jake's idea and says that she needs to stop running from her past. The ninth season of Wentworth will become available on Netflix on October 27, 2021. Ferguson continues to manipulate Eve in her revenge plan on Jake and Marie discovers Rita is a cop. Jake is later in the call centre and watches on as Ann is taken to hospital. Doreen got out of her cell, glancing at her friends before stepping out of the unit, walking into the corridors, her feet leading her to H3, stepping into the unit. Vera denies it and Lombard doesn't believe her. Later on Vera spots a disjointed Linda Miles who tells her what is going on. Even if . Jake would end up having real feelings for her and later he would becomes the father to Vera's baby Grace. Franky and Allie draw closer on their quest to find a viable escape route, but their growing bond sends Bridget off the rails. S9 E10 S5 E10 Checkmate, S2 E1 Allie tells him of the plan, and Jake later tells Will about it. S8 E10 Enemy Of The State. Wentworth. S3 E2 She is painted as a 'screw-lover', and rapidly begins to lose the support of the women. Wentworth: Where are they now? See what the cast has been up to since Rita sacrifices her hope of exoneration to rescue Ruby. This is seen again when Vera is held hostage in the yard and screams at the inmate to let her go, Jake is later seen in the visitors centre for Rita's wedding, but holds her back once she receives devastating news. 7. The siege continues, not everyone will make it out alive. Vera tells him they will have to find dirt on him in order to sack him. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. S3 E5 Vera tells Joan later that she failed in whatever she wanted to do. Vera in episode 7, informs Rita that the doctors need to operate immediately and Rita asks if she can go and see her, but Vera says she'll speak to Will about it, Vera then grills Will about why he released Marie from the slot so early and says that just because Marie is grieving her son its not a good look for drugs to be seen. Meanwhile, Bea finds herself at her lowest ebb as she realises the toll the war against Ferguson is having on those closest to her. Jake is later in the kitchen when Eve and Joan are talking. Jake and Vera see on the CCTV a brawler has been sitting in the sally port for the last 20 minutes. In episode seven, Vera is present when Will tells everyone about the threat that Lou has made to them. Kate AtkinsonMelissa Hill (young Vera in 1x06 flashbacks), Melissa Hill (young Vera in 1x06 flashbacks), "Allie isn't the same person she used to be. Meanwhile, Maxine leaves the prison to undergo a double mastectomy leaving Boomer distraught. She steps down from her governorship in favour of Will Jackson, opening a door for Marie Winter to manipulate the system. S6 E9 In episode 9 Vera listens to Marie and Will have sex in her office during the night, and in the morning confronts him about it, Will tries to justify his actions but Vera tells him "At least I didn't bury a prisoner alive." Meanwhile, Liz has a difficult reunion with her daughter Sophie and is unsure when Doreen proposes she be the alternate carer when the baby comes. Meanwhile Bea is concerned at the police interest in Will, and shocked when he makes a startling confession. american airlines special assistance desk phone number; bust your knee caps roblox id. With the murder charge against her dropped, Sonia is free to tie up loose ends. Meanwhile, Vera is forced to choose between professionalism and her love for Jake. is graham wardle still married to allison wardle; poorest city in north carolina; the coast neighborhood cambridge Vera learns off of Linda Miles for the count that 5 officers and 28 prisoners are unaccounted for. When Ferguson challenges Vera's decision, she's left bewildered and wondering whether Ferguson has a death-wish. Any video suggestion. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. This causes friction between Erica and Vera. Jake later tells Vera about it and when Vera goes to take the call from Ann, Jake takes the milk that Vera laced and Vera runs off after him and tells Jake the truth that Ferguson had passports under the Kath Maxwell name. S5 E4 In episode nine, Jake says that he has seen the news reports of Joan saying that she could get off. Has Franky sacrificed the love of her life? Vera asks where the police found it and they confirm it was in Ferguson's hovel. In the wake of the shock murder, suspicion turns on various inmates and Ruby sacrifices her freedom for her sister. Wentworth is a drama series that is broadcast on Australian television. Bleed Out. S2 E10 Maxine is back after surgery and finds herself in the crossfire of huge tension between Boomer, Liz and Sonia. Vera informs Rita that she cannot see Ruby as Will has denied the request, and when Rita goes to jump the fence, she gets caught in it and Vera radios for help telling Rita not to move. Vera watches on as Ferguson is in the psych unit. S9 E3 Jake later leads to her into the yard. Vera maintained a friendship with fellow officer Will Jackson and had a relationship with officer Jake Stewart, the later would result in Vera carrying Jake's baby named Baby Grace. In episode 8 Will is still angry at Vera, but he understands in the end why she did what she had to. Vera asks if Jake was assaulted, and he says no. Vera Bennett is the former Governor of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Sonia returns from near death, hell bent on revenge against her poisoner. Why does Vera always wear a hat . When they learn that 5 officers and 28 prisoners are still unaccounted for including Joan, Jake just says Joan is no longer their problem if she is dead. 2. Is wentworth coming back? Explained by Sharing Culture In episode Five Vera stands with Will and Jake and hears him read the medical report on Ferguson. Evidence. S7 E3 Wentworth's own Brett Sutton. Bea sees this as a possible chink in her armour and tasks Doreen with uncovering the truth behind the name. Jake is later asked by Vera to look after Grace for the night, Jake agrees and then asks Eve again to give him some more ideas to get rid of colic. Poking Spiders. Ferguson wants to stamp out drugs inside the prison and for obvious reasons Bea finds herself on common ground with the Governor. Vera saves Joan from being lynched by the other prisoners. Jake is later seen talking with Boomer about a conjugal visit with Gavin Thompson. Its success is largely due to the relatability of the prisoner and prison guard characters, who deal with real-life issues in a more controlled setting. Doreen shocks everyone by turning her back on Bea and Liz is assigned to look after a new inmate. Bad Blood. Stewart's arrival at Wentworth is overseen by Vera Bennett and shown around the prison by Will Jackson. Stewart would begin a relationship with Vera Bennett under the orders of Joan Ferguson. 100%. In episode two, Vera is first seen talking to Will about Reb's murder and Vera thinks that Joan could've done it because "Lou Kelly killed her goldfish." There are ten episodes included in Season 9. Vera's life away from Wentworth was anything but quiet, she looked after her mother Rita Bennett in which she wouldn't allow Vera to do anything, this lead Vera to making up a boyfriend named "Adam". S7 E10 Kaz convinces Allie to talk but is blackmailed by Ferguson through Jake, threatening Franky's sister, Will argues with a naive Vera and is . WentWorth Season 9: Release Date, Plot, Cast And Everything We Know So when Bea uses her standing as Top Dog to hit back, Ferguson takes revenge - she slots Bea and releases Liz from Protection, exposing Liz to a brutal bashing from Boomer. Judas Kiss. Wentworth season 7 finale bombshells revealed! - An increasingly guilt-ridden Jake tries to defy Ferguson and protect Vera but realises too late he's as trapped. Added to her troubles is Boomer's lust for revenge, which will not stop at the walls of Wentworth. Like Kate Atkinson, who plays Vera Bennett, said: " [ Wentworth 's] just . S2 E8 Ferguson is blindsided by Jodie's complaint to the ombudsman. Happy quizzing and as always please feel free to leave me any comments or suggestions. S2 E5 Vera was sent home to 'take care of her mother', which she does by overdosing her on pain medication. Vera later tells Marie that she will not let her destroy Will. The arrival of new inmate Kelly provides Fletch with hope of unmasking Ferguson for what she is. In episode three seen in the prisons call centre, helping prisoners make calls about internet providers, when Boomer falls ill Vera escorts her to medical. Jake then escorts Artie to Liz in the centre, and when the visit doesn't go to well, he tells Artie that Liz has been waiting a long time to see him and that she is a good person who deserves a second chance. The Living And The Dead. Meanwhile, Will is haunted by what he has done to Ferguson and Jake scrambles to stop him from flipping out. A desperate Judy seeks her father's help, but his callous rejection pushes Judy to commit a vicious act. Franky smirks at her, "Does it still hurt when you have to call me Franky and not Doyle?". Mercy. Wentworth actor Robbie Magasiva says Bea's death 'opened up the door to other characters'. The season comprises 12 episodes. Jake Stewart | Wentworth Wiki | Fandom Jake later steals medication from medical and goes to the hospital and attempts to hotshot Ferguson but she wakes up. Freak Show. Ferguson psychologically manipulates Vera and she crosses a point of no return whilst Maxine orchestrates a desperate bid to see her spurned lover. How can you be like that to Vera? !' Yes, Jake has done a few pretty nasty things, to Vera and to other people in the prison, but the great thing about this journey for Jake is that hopefully we'll . Liz becomes convinced of Sonia's innocence and then Don puts an offer to Liz which could change her life. No Place Like Home Season 5. Goldfish. Resurrection. The Unz Review - Jake is later seen in the security room wanting to take Grace for the night so Vera could get some sleep. But there is still unfinished business to attend to which doesn't go to plan. Meanwhile, Doreen sets up a greenhouse project for the garden, and meets male prisoner, Nash, with whom she shares an immediate attraction. The trio go back to the hospital to learn Joan doesn't recognise them. Rita is caught in a trap set by Marie and Drago, and must compromise Ray in order to maintain her cover, whilst Ruby questions Allie's loyalty when she believes her to be spying for Marie. Liz panics in the knowledge that Sonia is coming after her and takes desperate measures to protect herself, while Ferguson realises she needs to take drastic steps to avoid paying the ultimate price for her crimes. Wentworth explores interesting social dynamics in a prison setting. S9 E6 Jake later leaving the prison, runs into Ann and says that he'll take her home because she's running at night, later the two are at the abandoned train station having sex in the car. Amid further allegations she manipulated Jodie Spiteri to horrifically self-harm, Ferguson angles to remove her most ardent accuser, Bridget Westfall. When Vera returns to the prison she is stopped by Jake in the elevator and he says to her that she's just spinning it to look good in the media. The Fall Girl - Chapter 10 - stardustandthetardis - Wentworth (TV Vera's nice attitude won't last. Against Vera's wishes, Ferguson is released into general.