The construction or substantial alteration of open lands, or agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, or transportation facilities or structures including any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to buildings and other structures, dredging, fill, grading, paving, clearing, excavation, dumping, extraction, or storage of equipment or materials. The purpose of this section is to provide guidance to those development projects that have received some form of municipal approval prior to the date of enactment of this Code. If the City Council determines there is a failure to comply with any term, condition, or requirement made a condition of the variance or special use permit, the City Council may revoke the variance or special use permit or take such action as it considers necessary to ensure compliance. Furthermore, the financial institution shall be reviewed and approved in advance and the letters of credit or bonds shall conform to forms or criteria approved in advance by the City Council. Light fixtures provided for any off-street parking area adjacent to a residential use or residentially zoned lot shall shield the source of light from sight and prevent the spillover of direct light onto the residential use, while still providing security to motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. Transfer Station (or see also Waste Disposal Services). The City Council may consider criteria it deems relevant and important in taking final action on the amendment, but shall generally determine that the amendment promotes the health, safety, or general welfare of the City and the safe, orderly, and healthful development of the City. D. Geometric Design. Anything constructed or erected, other than a fence or retaining wall, which requires location on the ground or if attached to something having a location on the ground, including but not limited to, buildings, advertising boards, poster boards, mobile homes, manufactured homes, gas and liquid storage tanks, garages, barns, and sheds. Junk (or Salvage) Yard. The extension of the City or the extension, improvement, or widening of its roads, taking into account access to and extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities of public utilities. 3. A nonbranched woody plant, less than twenty-four (24) inches in height and having a diameter of less than one-half (1/2) inch measured at two (2) inches above the root collar. C. Any other specific procedure or legislative action that requires City Council action as specified in this Code, or required by state or federal law. A. Applicability. Repairs or modifications required under the City Construction Code shall not entitle the owner of the Nonconforming Sign to compensation under this Subchapter. Estoppels. A. Frontage. I. E. The City Administrator may develop administrative rules or additional procedures to clarify implementation of this Code, provided that such rules or procedures are approved by the City Council prior to their implementation or enforcement, and provided further that additional procedures do not violate any other provisions of this Code. E. Initiation of a Planning and Zoning Commission process may be made upon application by the property owner of the affected property or its authorized agent. J. General. The temporary use shall not cause undue traffic congestion or safety concerns, as determined by the City Engineer, given anticipated attendance and the design of adjacent streets, intersections and traffic controls. Public Sewerage System. E. General Industrial (I2). Upper Story Residential. F. Any water storage device existing at the date of this adoption would be non-conforming and would be precluded from restoring any type of signage upon repainting of the water storage device. The City Administrator shall advise the City Attorney of the claim, and the City Attorney shall make a determination of the validity of the claim within twenty (20) days of its receipt by the City; provided, however, that the twenty (20) day period shall not begin to run until all requisite information to support the claim has been submitted. Internal programs and services are designed to support activities and standards necessary to ensure quality service, legal compliance, and fiscal accountability. No rezoning action may specifically vary from the Permitted Uses Table found in Section 4.09 or from the Future Land Use Map included in the Comprehensive Plan. 3. On-site Wastewater permits shall be required from Williamson County for any development that applies for a development permit and wishes to use a septic tank or similar type of on-site wastewater system. C. The Parks and Recreation Board will be constituted and conduct all activities in accordance with this Code and all other applicable codes, and any adopted Bylaws. Any act by which soil or rock is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced, or relocated including the conditions resulting therefrom. Building Permits - Nothing in this Code shall require any change in plans, construction, size or designated use of any building, structure or part thereof that has been granted a building permit prior to the effective date of this Code, or any amendment to this Code, provided construction shall begin consistent with the terms and conditions of the building permit and proceed to completion in a timely manner. Lot Depth. (1) Where with respect to a particular subdivision the city council determines that a subdivider is unable to meet the requirements of subsections (e), (f) and (g) above, the subdivider may be required to deposit a cash payment with the city. A. A. Policy- and Legislative-Related Applications and Permits. Current practices of the City of Liberty Hill. (m) Any land that is dedicated as parkland and is disturbed during construction of the subdivision must be restored by the developer to its original condition or better prior to release of fiscal for the subdivision. PARK AND OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION SERVICES. When a TIA is required, the type and scope of the study shall be determined during a scoping meeting with the City Administrator or his designee. The purpose of this district is to provide for development of quality multiple-family living in a moderately dense setting, at a density not to exceed 10 units per acre. To the extent it is practicable, monuments should be installed in locations that will prevent disturbance or destruction of the monument by construction activities. G. Any plat that requires a waiver from Subdivision Design and Improvement Standards, any utility dedication, or any dedication of land must be reviewed as a preliminary plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Permanent subdivision identification signs approved by the City Council as part of the platting process; 9. D. Preliminary Plat Application Requirements. The City Administrator is responsible for taking final action on the following procedures described in this Code and according to the specific criteria for each procedure as described in the Code. The City Council is responsible for final action on applications for Conditional Use Permits. Applications must include all materials determined necessary by the City Administrator. Nonresidential Development uses Maximum Impervious Cover only. Applications for all building permits other than single-family and duplex residential, or site development permits, including the installation of outdoor lighting fixtures for new construction, shall provide proof of compliance with this Code. Residential lots with frontage on an arterial street shall also have frontage on a local street so that such lot(s) have vehicular access to a local street and not only to an arterial. The boundaries of the recharge zone shall encompass all land over the Edwards Aquifer, recharging the same, as determined by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ formerly TNRCC) and the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD). Boarding and Rooming House. Decisions regarding a Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall by [be] reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. H. Manufactured Housing (MH1). A sign erected over or on, and wholly or partially dependent upon, the roof of any building for support. Any such prohibition must be prospective and shall not apply to a mobile home previously legally permitted and used or occupied as a residential dwelling within the city. A zoning location, together with all buildings and structures thereon. A. Variances. The Gross Floor Area minus the area of stairwells, elevator shafts, equipment rooms, interior vehicular parking or loading, areas devoted exclusively to storage; and minus all floors below the first floor level, except when these used for human habitation or service to the public. The length of all the property fronting on one side of a street between the two nearest intersecting streets, measured along the line of the street; or if dead-ended, then all of the property abutting on one side between an intersection street and dead end of the same. A description of any conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements determined to be necessary for the preservation and protection of the public health, safety, or welfare; ix. E. Copies of letters from utility providers stating that utility service is available at the site. Back-to-Back Sign.. A sign constructed on a single set of supports with messages visible on any side. The Citys current and future streets, sidewalks, alleys, parks, playgrounds, and public utility facilities; and. An applicant may only appeal the specific reasons given for the administrative disapproval or denial. 3. D. A decision to revoke a variance or special use permit shall be effective immediately. D. The BOA review process will be required for any permit or application that requires final action from the BOA, as described in this Code. Fiscal surety is for the purpose of securing the estimated cost of completing capital improvements, should the City find it necessary to complete the improvements instead of the landowner or developer. Educational institutions of higher learning which offer a course of study designed to culminate in the issuance of a degree as defined by the Education Code of the State of Texas. Works of art that do not include a Commercial Message; 4. D. All Nonconforming Signs shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. A use providing meeting, recreational, or social facilities for a private or nonprofit association, primarily for use by members and guests. Street. Applicants may file multiple applications for nonconcurrent actions/approvals. Limited Access Highway. Applies to a Certificate of Design Compliance. Rubbish. It is computed as the total amount of impervious surface on the lot divided by the total lot area. 2. Moving Message Board. Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the sale, rental or repair of equipment and supplies used by office, professional and service establishments to the firms themselves rather than to individuals, but excludes automotive, construction and farm equipment. Historic Area Work Permit. The City Council is responsible for final action on all developments, after determination of compliance and recommendation by the City Administrator. Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of broadcasting and other information relay services accomplished through the use of electronic and telephonic mechanisms but excluding those classified as Major Utility Facilities. In cases of partial destruction by fire or other causes, not exceeding fifty (50) percent of its value, the building inspector shall issue a permit for reconstruction. All owners, tenants, subtenants and purchasers of individual units within the development shall comply with the approved master sign plan. The mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and rear lot line of a lot, measured within the lot boundaries. The duration of the temporary use shall be consistent with the intent of the use and compatible with the surrounding land uses. Postal Facilities. E. In the event of a conflict between this section and any other section of this Code, the more stringent requirements shall apply. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL USE TYPES. All text amendments shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. The next whole number beyond fifty percent of all members authorized to vote, including those not present or present but not voting. The purpose of this Chapter is to assure that subdivision and site development projects constructed within the City of Liberty Hill and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), are adequately furnished with necessary public infrastructure. The following general provisions apply: A. The City Administrator must make any submission requirements and applicable fee requirements available to the applicant as a part of the Administrative Procedures Manual. Low Density Residential (SF1). The provisions of this Code shall be interpreted and applied as the minimum requirements for the promotion of public health, safety, and general welfare. General Warehousing and Distribution. No Nonconforming Sign shall be required to be relocated or removed unless such Nonconforming Sign is more than 50 percent destroyed or damaged as provided above. M. Voluntary Compliance. Waterfowl. (g) If a subdivider is unable to meet the standards set out in subsections (d) and (e) above, resort may be had to one or more of the following alternatives: (1) Dedication by the subdivider of a unique area of natural beauty or an area possessing unique natural features or biologically valuable qualities; (2) The combination of two or more required dedications to form a single, viable park area; (3) Land dedication that would expand existing parks or recreation facilities; and/or. A building in which one or more specializing physicians and/or dentists have their offices. City Hall 409 N Calhoun St West Liberty, IA 52776. A dwelling that is manufactured in two or more modules at a location other than the home site and which is designed as residence when the modules are transported to the home site, and the modules are joined together and installed on a permanent foundation system in accordance with the appropriate Code requirements. Policy- and Legislative-Related Applications and Permits, Subdivision-Related Applications and Permits, Development-Related Applications and Permits, Simultaneous Submission of Related Applications, Application Requirements for Administrative Exceptions, Criteria for Review and Required Findings, Preservation of a Substantial Property Right, Variances from Floodplain or Stormwater Management Regulations, Preliminary Plat Application Requirements, Action Following Preliminary Plat Approval, Exception for lots already partially within City Limits, Reduction of Minimum Residential Lot Width, Chapter 245 of Texas Local Government Code adopted, Computation of Area of Multifaceted Signs, Computation of Maximum Total Permitted Sign Area for a Zone Lot. The penalties in this section shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights or remedies the City may have. Residential Land Use Report Future Development Projects Under Review Resolution 2023-R-003 Public Improvement District Policies Recent Resolution Regarding Public Improvement Districts (PID) City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards View All Contact Us 512-548-5519 Pay Online Utility Billing Phased Project. A tract of land designated on a subdivision plat for future development, or not designated for any specific purpose, that has not been evaluated for compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance Code [sic] for adequate facilities or zoning requirements and is, therefore, not useable as a legal building site. Design and construction of infrastructure in the City and ETJ shall be consistent with the policies and guidelines established in the most recent versions of the Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan. Interior Sign. A yard extending along the full length of the front lot line of the zoned area. Typical uses include wholesale distributors, storage warehouses and moving and storage firms. Whenever a user has violated or continues to violate any provision of this Code pertaining to water and wastewater infrastructure, an industrial wastewater discharge permit or order issued hereunder, or any other applicable waste pretreatment standard or health and sanitation requirement, water service to the user may be discontinued. Buffer requirements can be applied within the required setback spaces and can be used to satisfy any landscaping requirements of this Code. Code Ann. County Road. Texas Department of Transportation, TCEQ. Conditional Use permits allow for discretionary City Council approval of uses with unique or widely varying operating characteristics or unusual site development features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Code. The construction plans must be kept as a permanent record of the City. This Chapter also contains standards on maximum impervious cover, both for entire subdivisions as they are developed and for individual lots as they are built upon. Dwelling Unit. Farm Plan. Deliveries by commercial vehicle occur generally between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. with the exception of package couriers; 6. H. The City Administrator may waive application requirements when appropriate, but may not require additional submission requirements after an application has been determined to be complete. Manufactured Housing Community (MH2). 2. Nonconforming Use. AGRICULTURAL SALES AND SERVICES. Dwelling units share a common outside access. Newly annexed territory that is part of a lot already annexed or within City Limits will be zoned directly to the zoning designation of the portion of the lot already within the City. Table 3-4: Summary of Required Public Hearings, Appeal of Denial of Building Permit (sign-related). Full compliance with the standards contained within this Code must be obtained before the issuance of a building repair, plumbing or electrical permit for any structure on a lot within a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the City. The following requirements apply: A. It is a violation of the Chapter to allow a covered message to bleed or show through the paint or covering. Part of a building between any floor and the floor next above, and if there be no floor above, then the ceiling above. Recommendations regarding Preliminary Plat approval shall be made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Each application for a sign permit or for approval of a Master or Common Signage Plan shall be accompanied by the applicable fees, which shall be established by the City Council from time to time by resolution. Interactive Map Gallery Data and Map Catalogs GIS Data Catalog An electrical sign utilizing lights going on and off periodically to display the current time and temperature in the community. F. Safety and convenience of vehicular and pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use. There is a substantial change in circumstances relevant to the issues and/or facts considered during the original review of the application that might reasonably affect the decision-making bodys review of the relevant standards to the development described in the application; or, B. The period must have a time limit, not to exceed ninety (90) days. Map depicting floodways and special flood hazard areas which that [sic] are regulated by this Ordinance Code [sic]. The certificate issued by the City Administrator or designee that permits the use of a building or premises in accordance with the approved plans or permits and the provisions of law for the use and occupancy of the building in its several parts, together with any special stipulations or conditions of the building permit. A final plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the land proposed for subdivision or site development is adequately served by essential public facilities and services. E. Any hardwood tree 19" [in] diameter or larger shall require Planning and Zoning Commission Approval before removing. F. Variance. D. Downtown development should be clean, under any scenario. In addition to the criteria for zoning changes found in Section 2.5 [sic], the City Council may approve an application for a Conditional Use Permit where it reasonably determines that there will be no significant negative impact upon residents of surrounding property or upon the general public. A structure constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the rules of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight (8) feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or when erected on site, is three hundred and twenty (320) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems. The ground surface in its original state before grading, stripping, excavation, landscaping, or filling. A project developed pursuant to a subdivision or site plan, proposed to be developed in sections. Uses Permitted By Right (P): indicates that a use is allowed by right. The ETJ increases as population increases. Developable Land (or Area). Also see grade elevation and grade-related terms. Issue the sign permit, if the sign(s) that is the subject of the application conforms in every respect with the requirements of the Section and of the applicable Master or Common Signage Plan; or. Any system, whether publicly or privately owned, serving multiple lots, dwelling units, businesses, commercial or industrial establishments for the collection, transportation and disposal of sewage or industrial wastes of liquid nature, including various devices for the treatment of such sewage and industrial wastes. Prior to any excavation, clearing, or other land alteration for the purpose of development within the City limits an applicant must submit a site plan for approval and issuance of a site development permit under this section. 3. In order to have the review period officially changed, the City Council must adopt a resolution establishing the extended review period at that meeting. (j) All required cash payments must be submitted prior to final plat approval:[.]. Gross Residential Density. AUTOMOTIVE AND EQUIPMENT SERVICES. Enclosed Storage. TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL. G. Five copies of a site plan, drawn at a minimum scale of 1"=60', which reflects the property boundary dimensions, all setbacks and easements, and the location of physical improvements, including buildings, parking lots, landscaping, utilities, and accessory structures. 3. A. Applicability. The owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with removal and disposal of the sign. This Section describes the applicability and specific approval criteria for all Administrative Procedures necessary under this Code and applicable to the following: A. Existing Grade. The grade of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each exterior surface of a sign, or that of a structure to which a sign has been attached. To the maximum extent feasible, pedestrians and vehicles shall be separated through provision of a separate sidewalk or walkway for pedestrians. Stabilization. The City Administrator shall define the content and form of the site development permit application. The use of a site for three or more dwelling units, within one or more buildings. The City Secretary shall receive the proposed amendments within the sixty (60) days preceding September 1st and shall refer the proposed amendments to the Planning and Zoning Commission by October 1st of each year. These signs must be removed within seven days after the property is sold or leased; 3. C. All corners of subdivisions and points of curvature (P.C.) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL City of AUSTIN, TEXAS Codified through Rule No. A self-illuminated or externally illuminated sign or sign structure in which electric wiring, connections and/or fixtures are used, as part of the sign, to provide illumination. C. Responsibility for Final Action. Establishment or places of business primarily engaged in providing sports, entertainment, or recreation for participants or spectators. Sale or rental of trucks, tractors, construction equipment, agricultural implements, manufactured homes, and similar heavy equipment, including storage, maintenance, and servicing. Buffering provides visual screening and spatial separation of two adjoining buildings and areas of intense activity. Any subdivision not defined as a minor, or farmstead, subdivision. B. This agreement includes the location and width of proposed streets, lots, blocks, floodplains, and easements. No BOA action may govern if in conflict with specific provisions of this Code. B. Conformance with applicable regulations in this Code and standards established by the regulations. Flat Sign. 1. Any questions regarding the Design Criteria and Technical Specifications, public works projects, or this process should be directed to the Engineering Division at 816.439.4500. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for the temporary use, and it shall not create a parking shortage for any of the other existing uses on or near the site. Major Collector. F. Multifamily Residential (MF1). The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to City Council the approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of waivers of the standards required for plat approval, by using the criteria for consideration of Variances in Section 3.08.06. If, within fourteen (14) days, the responsible party fails to contact the City Administrator in writing, bring the sign into conformance with this Code, or apply for a permit for the sign, the City Administrator shall have the sign removed or impounded without further notice, and/or shall fine the owner on a daily basis as set forth within this Code. G. Multifamily Residential (MF2). B. Consult the Williamson County Health Department for further information. The City Administrator shall have the authority to make all written interpretations of this Code. 5. It shall be the duty of the City Council and the City Administrator, acting on behalf of the City Council, to enforce the requirements of this Code. Typical uses include hotels, motels and inns. The Administrative Procedures Manual (developed by the City Administrator) establishes timelines for review and applicable fees. Community Sewerage System. Notification of the expiration of regulations shall be provided to the applicant as part of the notification of approval of the development-related permit. The maps, drawings, and specifications indicating the proposed location and design of improvements to be installed in a subdivision/site plan. During the course of installation and construction of the required improvements, the City Administrator or his designee shall make periodic inspections of the work to insure that all improvements comply with the requirements of this Code. All development activities permitted by the action being appealed, or any subsequent approval, must stop upon appeal, and remain inactive until the appeal is resolved. A. Ongoing consideration of an application beyond the standard review period allows a review body or the final action authority to work in good faith with the applicant to make changes, modifications, and corrections in order to continue consideration of an application that might otherwise be disapproved without the changes, modifications, or corrections. Nonconforming uses are lawful uses within a zoning district that do not conform to the requirements of this Code when it is adopted, or when any amendments thereto, take effect.
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