When an Aquarian gets angry, they get agitated, but attempt to remain emotionally aloof and completely ignore the person. 2 Most of the time, when their basic Leo traits are challenged, they get angry, which means they do not like being lied to, taken advantage of, gossiped about, embarrassed, having their authority undermined, or being made fun of. Often, this leads them to commit psychotic crimes that gain them the most fame. So, the next time a Gemini man or woman attempts to charm you, perhaps you would do well to keep in mind how they can be one of the most deadly zodiac signs around. People born under the Scorpio sign rarely forget how they have been treated. These people are quick learners and have a very good sense of humour but their decisions . These peoples rage can be extremely violent. That one person whose anger makes your legs tremble and your heart race. All rights reserved. Hence, it comes as no surprise that Pisces can be one of the most dangerous zodiac signs when angry. Here's why that might be getting under your skin. . Everything about a Leo is, grand, flashy, showy, and dramatic, including their dark side. Its no secret that you probably shouldnt mess with someone if theyre already mad. Aries enjoy expressing themselves through physical and verbal activities, which may be part of the reason why they are one of the more dangerous signs on the list. Aries can burn everyone beside them if they are furious, so it is better to leave them for some time until they cool down and only then continue the discussion. They usually do not have emotional outbursts, but sometimes their anger gets the best of them. Leos need to dominate, meaning they cant see others doing things better than them, not to mention they dont trust anyone. But some people have buttons that you should NEVER press. If you werent aware, more people died under his presidency than Hitler and Stalin combined. It's not the best idea to approach them immediately after you've made them angry, because then they won't be able to think more clearly and logically. Just with a monarch, if a leo gets proper angry with you, it gets political. However, theyre not the ones to play any mind game because they like to let others know when theyre being angry. Let Them Cool Off. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? Please consult your doctor before taking any action. An Aquarius isnt usually angry, however, whenever they are, they scare people to another level. That way, you can talk to them without getting yelled at. READ: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus (As Written By A Taurus). They are not afraid to resort to insults when they are angry at someone. They should not be given advice that does not make sense and they are expected to follow it because they need to try things out for themselves. Not only can it push others away, but it can leave you feeling drained. Taurus natives can be temperamental, obsessive, and even violent. Undoubtedly. As one of the zodiac signs that have anger issues, Capricorns often have trouble controlling the verbal abuse they can hurl at people. One more feature of these personalities is their wild nature hidden from others. As soon as theyve cooled down, their opponents can jump in to make them feel happy again. They are also unafraid to resort to insults when they are angry with someone. These natives can hunt down their enemies and at the same time be destructive while doing so. Some zodiac signs are more likely to get furious while others not. To find out which zodiac signs you should NEVER mess with when theyre mad, continue reading below. Accused of sexual assault and rape by multiple women, his pattern of crimes just shows the heinous nature of someone who doesnt think much about the consequences of their actions. are determined by the zodiac signs were born under. There are several things to consider: What zodiac sign is aggressive? More than this, they seek to dominate, so when they seek to dominate, they see red in front of their eyes. Therefore, they shouldnt be told theyre looking tired or that theyve gotten old. They are likely to throw a huge tantrum during arguments with their partner or friends. Their hearts are full of kindness and generosity. Another point to note is that empathy isnt their strongest suit. This can make them frustrating to deal with, and this applies not just to the people around them, but also themselves. Leos, being the most fierce, can also be dangerous to a great extent. They would react very badly to someone if someone tries to put them down, hurt their ego or test their temper. They don't like to give up or get dominated by others. Whether they manifest their anger through violence depends from person to person, but some people still think of Aries as the most violent zodiac sign. It is almost impossible to tell what runs in the mind of an Aquarian. Leo. When they get angry, they turn psychotic. Even while it may seem that you know everything about them, there will always be a part of them left to unravel, like a twisted mystery. When someone speaks on their behalf and is interacting to express themselves, not to make small talk. "Since they appear to be so kindly and benevolent most of the time, when their temper flares up, the recipient of that anger [can . Therefore, Leos shouldnt be expected to shower others in praises or to use loving words, not even to be appreciative. Leos born on the Virgo cusp are passionate, focused and hard workers. Sometimes,people are easily annoyed because they are sleep-deprived or haven't eaten yet. You should not be intimidated by their anger and try to sound as convincing as possible to stop their anger. A Pisces is otherwise calm and serious but their anger scares off everybody. However, they can go for their prey and get their revenge without being late. Taurus can be stubborn and overindulgent. Not only are you anxious most of the time, but youre also incredibly indecisive. "They should realize they are responsible for their own lives and have the power to change themselves.". Geminis are the masters of communication and also of manipulation in a relationship. Perhaps you just might have to figure out What to say to end a relationship with a few of your friends! As soon as they are calm and collected, Leos can regain their logic and clear mind. The two-faced Gemini, the balanced Libra, and the free-spirited Aquarius take a no-holds-barred approach when it comes to getting even with someone who has wronged them. This also makes it difficult for them to set healthy boundaries when it comes to achieving what they want. Virgo Being Fire signs, they have high spirits and a quick temper. Their temper is harsh, but as well a source for their good traits. Leos believe the world revolves around only them, and when they don't get respect, attention, praise, applause, and adulation from others, their self-esteem suffers, their darker side emerges, and they morph into a person no one wants to be around either in public or private. Leos don't like to be unhappy, and they are quick to forgive when the apology is done right. Are Leos aggressive? Easily wounded, these people are prone to despair and the development of deep resentments that can fester into violent fantasies of revenge or domination. Helen Luc is a frequent contributor to YourTango. Unless made angry, they can be quite calm. When Leos are good, they're very, very good, but when they're bad, they're horrid. Leo is one of the most dangerous zodiac signs when nervous. It's all about recognizing unhealthy habits, and making an effort to change. This is the point when they can say hurtful things and become verbally threatening. The proud Leos cant lose their cool, no matter how hurt. Leos attach great importance to their pride. Perhaps some of your friends and acquaintances are easily annoyed. But otherwise, they can be brutal. If you wonder what is the most dangerous sign when angry you have to know that Leo may be the one. They may even go so far as lying or manipulating others to get what they desire. When they are frustrated they can get very loud. These are usually hurtful words that make them threatening to others. With their fiery energy, passion, and enthusiasm for everything, Leos have standout personalities, traits, and characteristics. We celebrate the happy, imperfect love without judgment or bias, and strive to help people love more mindfully by viewing their relationship patterns from the lens of mental health and psychology. As one of the most deadly zodiac signs, the Aquarian has the capability of being cold-blooded while still greeting you with a smile. Its enough to give them around 20 minutes after a conflict, and then to apologize to them. Do not call them 'needy'. She wrote a monthly column for the Atlanta Astrological Society and shares her insights in Daily Astro Inspirations. While the Aries grit and determination are unmatched, their quest for growth and power can make them quite ruthless in their pursuits. Geminis are the masters of communication and also of manipulation in a relationship. Their temper is hot because theyre a Fire sign. What is acceptable for one seems unbearable for others. Their high tempers and vanity are some of their worst traits. Cancer Being a king of all animals as well as a fire Zodiac sign Leo makes everyone suffer from their anger that is easily transformed into rage. Power is always dangerous. All signs exhibit certain dangerous characteristics. How do Aquarians express their anger? I mean, it's a fire sign and it's symbolized by a lion which is naturally a dangerous predator. When things dont go their way, they can get very angry. Read on to find out what makes Leo annoying, per astrology: 1. Its just that they need to express their feelings, no matter what. They also dont like for others to plan their wardrobe or to be asked where they got their clothes from. Their idealistic vision of life can often make them forget about the consequences of their actions. Since the sign Gemini indicates communication, they may talk a lot when they get angry. YourTango is the leading online magazine dedicated to love and relationships. Couple relationshipsthe pains and pleasures, the anxieties and comforts, the craziness and calm. Leo Gemini is the angriest person that could ever exist. The aggressive tendencies of Virgos are driven by their passion, whereas Capricorns are known to be generally and universally dangerous. Are Aries And Gemini Compatible In A Relationship And Marriage? But they can have a temper, too. all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. It may be surprising for you to know that they also impact peoples probability of getting angry. Thats why they feature predominantly on the evilest zodiac signs list. They always seek the comfort of others before their own and for this very reason would never allow themselves to hurt anyone. They desire to establish authority over others and do not mind displaying anger in nasty words too. Leo people have the worst tempers. Leo can be surprising when it comes to just how upset they get. They may also benefit from recognizing that sometimes, when it seems like people are pushing their buttons, it's really because they may be taking forever to make a decision. When people have days like this, pretty much anything will irritate them. Moreover, even if a person is of the most aggressive zodiac sign but can cope with the anger fast enough, it does not seem so annoying or obtrusive in comparison with people who keep a grudge for years or so. Obedient and decent representatives of this sign remind a time bomb. Once Virgo learns how to remain calm, they might notice that their relationships vastly improve. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best.. Let him be until the storm passes. They start accusing others of their misfortune and need time to calm down. Leos born on the Cancer cusp could be the drama-queen type, combining the sensitivity of the Crab with the neediness of the Lion. If necessary, they should ask others for help and make sure Leos still feel worthy or are not angry at them. Anger can overwhelm them, and they are not afraid to direct their criticisms toward the nearest target.