Perhaps in future I'll give a blend a bit more time for me to discover all it offers. I suppose the nicotine kick comes from the burley. Ive had straight Virginias with a stronger flavor overall, therefore I'm dropping pirate kake to two stars. This may very well go up to four stars then. It joins a favorite list and while it wont be a regular part of my rotation I definitely will smoke it when I need something different in my smoking rotation. Any pipe tobacco shipped to a New York State address will be subject to the applicable state imposed excise tax (75% over the wholesale . But not just any Latakia. A very cool and pleasent smoke. The smoke is smoothe and leaves a cool yet warm creaminess on your palette for hours afterward. Fantastic smoke. It was around 1999 and I had not been long into pipe smoking. It's smokey alright. It was rare for me to pick out anything but the lat. Is it a Lat-heavy blend that explodes your palate in such a way as to make any and all future Latakia blends unpalatable? The expression Lat-Bomb has always been tossed about in such a disparaging way, I always assumed the term to be a pejorative one. I ordered a one pound pressed block of this based on two things; 2. My wife thought I was burning tires. I was always a little leary of the thought of pirates boarding my ship and plundering it - however, if they bring a Kake of this along, I will welcome them aboard! I had forgotten how nice that first blast of latakia is when it's lit. On reflection I doubt the Lat is Syrian either, I was probably confused by the other Orientals. Understatement of the year---"This is a blend for the Latakia lover" WOW. Very complex tobacco that I'm glad I have more to sample! Keeps away loiterers and unwanted company. A wonderful smoke! Also pairs nicely with Lagavulin, and a novel about tall ships. It doesn't do anything that would keep me coming back to it. Second mistake: Burley has no proper taste; its a neutral tobacco without a specific taste. Wow, this sure is a sucker punch in a baggie. My kids' comment on tin note - "Ewww! A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Similar Blends: Bengal Slices (sort of ). Ole Pirate Kake. Cornel & Diehl Pirate Kake Tin Pipe Tobacco. The cons: It comes in a little brick - it look very suspicious. Thank you c&D please if you have never tried it. But I knew that would probably be the case going in. Second the name is brilliance. Dont be put off by the 75% Latakia, as this smokes smooth as silk. If you're a pipe enthusiast looking for a show to listen to on the go or while you're kicking back enjoying a bowl, this is definitely the place for you. I love it! I found it pleasant and will smoke it again even though this is not my usual type of smoke although I am coming to enjoy more English Blends. Left a little oily residue on my fingers. I don't even jar this stuff, just keep it in the container. I will say, if you enjoy this at all, go get Maltese Falcon or Ten Russiana. Thank You C.and D. For making the best smoke I have ever had thus far!! This perfume burned off some where in the upper third and the rest of the smoke proceeded down the bowl as, believe it or not, a light English. The strong Latakia flavor basically wipes out any hint of the other tobaccos. LATAKIA! Non una EM un Latakia tenuto sotto controllo dai due altri componenti. I found several blend that match my taste bud, but i keep going back to PK when i craving latakia. Im a big fan of heavier Latakia English blends so I had to try this. The crumble is easy to break, easy to pack, easy to keep it lit, smokes really cool, full taste from the very beggining till the end. this one is a big one , with strengh and interesting flavours , it needs a quiet ambiance to aassess its extent ; one of my favorites. Don't even bother attempting to cut this kake, you'll have to hammer the knife through. If you don't like latakia, stay away from it. I like it, but not sure if I'll buy more. It's quite easy to peel off the cake layer and get it ready for smokable condition. 12-03-2004 Put away your cutlass' maties! Mid-Bowl: The other leaves add their support and give this blend nice body. There is zero burn on nose exhale, and no tongue bite. If 75% Latakia doesnt make for a Lat-Bomb, then I dont know what would (100% Latakia perhaps)? The taste is a rich, creamy, smooth almost minty flavor with latakia dominating the senses. It deploys a large palette of all distinct aromas you find within the wheelhouses of Latakia and Orientals. Very pleasing billows a white smoke. For three years now Ive been reading about Lat-Bombs in countless reviews, and I kept scratching my head: Ive smoked lots of blends with Latakia so what the hell is a Lat-Bomb? PK has the reputation for being a Lat bomb, but it is actually a nice and smooth smoke. The flavor is earthy, smoky, leathery. Have always loved the English blends due to the high Latakia and Orientals levels, which I love. Everytime I try this tobacco, it's a new experience. After rubbing a chunk of this smoky ambrosia out it looks like I repair diesel trucks for a living. Purchased From: El Fumador in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. It is what it is. I would not call this blend monochromatic like some have, as the flavor is somewhat complex at first, but it does tend to level out afterwards. Even though I only like Latakia in very small doses, I dared to pack a small clay bowl full of Pirate Kake. The taste didn't turn me o ff, cause it certainly has a beefy bold smoky flavor to it, but it didn't keep me going with it either. The nicotine will not knock you out but it is there and persistent. I like Latakia, but this blend gives Latakia a bad name. It lit ok and burned fairly well. A very enjoyable 3 stars with no complaints from me. The bars rub out easily enough, and the moisture content is almost right for smoking straight out of the tin, though 20 minutes of drying time doesn't hurt. It is very similar to Old Ironsides but just a bit lighter in body. I dont resist. The latakia is smooth, even at 75%. Ive finally settled on this is one great blend! You had better have a liking for Latakia with both of these blends, more so with PK that gives an almost oily taste. I suppose that there are people out there for whom there can never be too much Latakia or Perique or Basma, or whatever other condiment we can name. I liked it a lot but was a little harsh, naturally I jarred it up , put it away and tried other blends in my quest of tobaccos. This bulk tobacco came as one large slab, with sharp-cut edges, like it had been hewn from a monster brick. I bought a 1/2 lb of this product mail-order w/o first tasting it, based on its description and its reputation in latakia-addict circles. Still great stuff, but only for once in awhile, like after a charred steak dinner, or for when the urge for something immense and overpowering is desired. Really good if you're hungry too. This tin taught me all too well what latakia is. Got a bit cellered right now to see how it turns out month by month. I purchased this because I wanted to experience what a Latakia "bomb" is. TONS of smoky spicy and an after taste that makes you think you just the bark off a whole smoked pork shoulder. The strength level is just shy of the center of medium to full. I enjoyed the tobacco for what it's worth, but felt completely satiated for a while. This comes in a Krumble Kake and was fun to break and crumble to prepare for the bowl. Lataika bomb. I just want more and more. Back then it was not called (Sea Scoundrels) either just Pirate Kake. This is a nice cake, black in appearance, smelled smokey and robust. This does blast my palette out completely after smoking it, so it is resigned to evening smokes until I can strengthen my tongue. Of course it is hard to keep lit and everything, there's over 70% of Latakia in there! The tobacco is not super pressed, its easy to rub and easy to fill your pipe (unlike Seattle Pipe Clubs Plum Pudding). I must confess I bought this tobacco because I liked the name and the graphic. Its like setting a pine forest on fire inside your mouth. Kinda like the O Douls of pipe tobacco. The plug cut provides a very slow, peaceful, perfect, cool smoke. Just do us all a favor and don't smoke PK, then bang on it in a review for having too much Latakia; that's the whole point of it. Cornell & Diehl Bulk Pipe Tobacco Pirate Kake - No amarga nada, y el sabor propio del burley solo se puede apreciar por su aporte de madera y terrosidad a la fumada. What I find Surprising straight away is that having imagined this a heavy smoke, it is quite the opposite. These days, however, I find a little solo note in a tobacco to be OK at times. I am not quite sure how to fully describe this tobacco. I prefer to not rub this one out or it will burn too fast on you. Pairs great with a nicely aged tawny port, or a Macallan Cask Strength. Highly recommended. Pirate Kake is a good tobacco to close a late evening, to compliment a strong cup of coffe, or when you just need a strong latakia fix. As a person who likes just about all styles and blends, I purchased a 'brick' of this stuff simply to see what the extreme end of the Latakia spectrum was like. To the Latakia lover this should be a delight. Definitely not an all-day thing, as it would become boring. I started smoking pipes a couple years ago with those pouches you could get out of stores and nothing against those tobacco are the people that smoke them just thought something was missing I finally found this smoking website ordered a tin of nightcap and that was my 1st real true experience with great tinned tobacco and that was my 1st while moment smoking a pipe while now you can't get nightcap anymore and I was looking for that wow again and just happened to pick up a can of pirate cake and this is as close a second to the while that I 1st experienced the nightcap not saying the tobaccos are similar just saying that while factor has to be the 2nd best tobacco that I've ever tried and will order more and more this is just a great smoke everything you could want every feeling every emotion just a great all around smoking tobacco. and ?This is the blend for the Latakia lover.? When I lit it up, my sample smoked like a purring kitten. If you prefer a five coarse meal over a simple dish, then the many flavors provided by PK will titillate your taste buds. Pirate Kake is only for the true Latakia Lover, it has 70% Latakia in it , so unless your a big fan of Latakia, as I am, you may not want to buy over a sample to try. Love them. Lots of power. A wonderful last bomb. Great for an everyday smoke if you like latakia. FREE Shipping on Orders of $95+ (Continental USA) | Yes, we ship Worldwide . This is it! For me similar to Seattle P ipe Club Plum Pudding Special Reserve without the tanginess. With that said, it would be lovely with just a little more Orientals in the mix; say, 50% Latakia with the deficit filled with Turkish leaf. I think it loses something over time. This is what this blend is supposed to do so I knew going in I would experience this. After just shy of 4 years in the cellar the blend becomes very sweet, round, and displays a number of notes not originally apparent. The smoke was heavy yet disappeared quickly, but whether I sipped or puffed it stayed heavy until half way down the bowl when it grew even thicker and did not disappear. Finally another Latakia forward mixture without any Virginia. In the past, I wasn't much of a Balkan/Latakia smoker, but this blend convinced me that I ha d been missing a lot. The room note to me is exquisite! Probably would go nice with a good, single malt Scotch. This is not a tobacco for the neophyte but for the latakia fiend who wants full-bodied spice, depth and complexity in their smoke. Very delicious. Upon cutting the bag the latakia aroma permeated the room and my nose. Actually, for a good Lat. Tasty and full , with excellent pack and burn qualities . A cold smoke, very enjoyable, especially (I imagine) in a cold winters day when you drink a smoky Islay Scotch. You won't be sorry. like alot of C and D it's pretty dry . I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. The aftertaste is also delightful as the smoke and peat keep going after the pipe is done. And so I will begin with the tin note. Yes, this blend deserves that much respect. As an interval, you get some sweetness and more often some sourness, all this in a good way. The dominant terpene in this strain is pinene. Rusticated smooth top dublin. For as heavy and robust a smoke it is regarding flavor, it is also an incredibly mild smoke. I've been a hound for it, ever since my first tin of Penzance. It is a bomb in my assessment. Get Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake - 2oz Tin | Cake Tobacco I have to agree with the wxguy, it does look like a block of Hashish. Anyway, I've been happy as a clam with this one and can't recommend it enough to English lovers. I had expected a lat bomb out of this from all that I have heard about it. Tin of 50 Grams. Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop Cake Pipe Tobacco It's one that I keep stocked and ensure that I do not run out. This will keep you going. Pirate Kake does just that. 4 stars because it is very special and unique + because a must try baccy. Comparable to an Is lay Whiskey in smokiness, though if one is looking for notes of peat I recommend C&D's 'Strathspey'. I have been smoking Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium for near-on 30 years, believing that it has no equal anywhere on earth. It may be strong enough that you might want to store it in the garage so it does not influence your tobacco collection. I use English Oriental very lightly packed. Pipe Used: Ashton ELX Brindle Billiard - 2007 NASPC yearpipe. It is obviously dark from the 75% Latakia, but the lighter Burley, and the Turkish can be seen well mixed in. 21.58. I have not gone back to it for several months, but it is certainly a must try for the latakia lover. I also love the sharp tangy latakia odor that is left on my clothes or hand - Pirate Kake is one of those blends I enjoy as my last pipe of the day (usually while in my pajamas and reading a book); I revel in the lingering latakia odor clinging to my hands and hair when I finally go to bed. I think Craig Tarler must have been some kind of wizard to pull this off. The next loyal matey did too but the rest well those yellow stripe down their back traitors looked and ran puffing or sipping this will not bite or even come close. This stuff lives up to its reputation as Latakia Central. To each their own, but Ten Russians is my lat bomb. Wow, this stuff is a Latakia monster. I separated it and have smoked at at different ages over the last two years and can honestly say it has only ever gotten better. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake | Premium Pipe Tobacco | Mom's Cigars Moisture level is perfect right out of the brick, rub-out is easy, and it burns properly. It is pretty straightforward with its flavors , but in an enjoyable way, and as I said before it is a very cool and smooth smoke. Update 06/30/18: I can attest that age does this wonders. Smoke it really slow and steady to truely enjoy the experience. A Latakia lover's treasure. This left no moisture in the bowl. The tin I bought had perfect moisture and didn't need to let it sit out prior to loading up a bowl. Smoked in a new Missouri corncob to understand better the flavors and subtleties. This burns well and maintains my attention from beginning to end. This is a tobacco that requires you to take the time for it. Its now at the top of favorite list; not sure I can make it through my rotation of 50 blends before getting to it again, LOL. This one is permanently in my rotation. First off, I love latakia-from blends with just a hint to full blown blends like this wonderful smoke from C&D. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. Upon returning to my sun porch I was struck with the room note: as smoky as if one had spent all night tending a charcoal fire preparing a Carolina Pig Pickin'. On the tongue this tobacco is sweet and fresh. Truly a blend for Latakia aficionados. Not an everyday smoke, but a great cold weather pleasure, to mix up the rotation. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. Put a pinch in a very large bowl of mature Virginia and youll have something nice, but by itself its just nasty. Rapidly becoming my only daily smoke. They're almost like little bars of hashish, which of course, I never inhaled. It burns slow and lights easy. I agree with earlier reviewers who think this is Syrian latakia. A few puffs into the bowl, the Latakia smooths out a bit and it is just a great smoke. I packed the bottom half of the bowl very loosely, as usual. It is more expensive, by about $15-20 a pound, but worth it. I sit at work, thinking about smoking a bowl when I get home. Rich, smooth, tasty. As an occasional smoke it's ok, but when I finish the tin I probably will not purchase more. Flavorful. So Im not sure if its a good idea or not but I went thru a pound in a week. At first light the Latakia wafts by the nose and oh boy,try this if you need a Latakia drip tube. This is exactly what I look for in a latakia blend. Loaded up some pirate kake in the long boi : r/PipeTobacco There's bounty to be had inside this little treasure chest! Digging through the packaging you are rewarded with a well presented krumble kake. Guess what? Not much subtlety here folks, so do not come expecting a complex blend. I just love it! I kind of feel like talking about tin note and presentation is superfluous with this one. There is tons of thick white smoke, and it really is a lot of fun to light up. Just rip off a hunk, rub it out and smoke yourself to contentment. JD and Beau sit down every week and talk about the rich history and elegance of pipe tobacco, the custom blends found only at the Country Squire, as well as general shop talk. This is not really shocking seeing as the blend contains 75% latakia. It smoked cool and dry, leaving behind only fine ash. Hearth and Home 10 to Midnight was out of stock, so I decided to give Pirate Kake a try. Also very mild nicotine, so you can smoke all day - and believe me, I wish I could smoke it all day. A lot has already been said about it and everything that was said in favor of it is true. Final thoughts: if you get bored with all the medium strength english blends, and want something a little stronger tasting then pick some of this up and throw it in your rotation for the nights when you feel you just need something extra. Originally Reviewed on 5/29 Tin/Pouch Note: Sour apple, plum, campfires and leather. As always YMMV. WARNING: does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. Only Latakia taste. If dirty harry smoked a pipe pirate kake is what he would smoke no room for wimps here. can coax a fair deal more complexity out of it than I recall from the old days. This would be good broken up and mixed with an overly tangy red virginia. For me, it is sheer heaven and I could smoke it all day. There is this faint sense of a very dark chocolate that drifts through at times, so this stuff is not without occasional subtleties. Ok here it is pirate kake by cornell and Diehl. The "creaminess" can be a little heavey at times so I have found this to be a good tobacco to cut with a lighter english. Pirate Kake is Latakia. UPDATE 11-18-2009: I'm afraid I must contradict my own recent review of Pirate Kake. If there were negative stars, Pirate Kake would earn them. Bought a ton of this 2 years ago and after the first bowl immediately turned around and bought a pound. The room note is pleasant yet very strong. I got a free sample of this from smoking pipes with a recent order. Otherwise on its own it lacks body. $11.25. I've had english blends once or twice for fun but don't really like them. However, even if this blend is quite straightforward it is helped by the turkish. I find it starts to mellow out a little after six months so I keep a stock on hand for aging. I love the presentation, two little coal black bricks of latakia doom. The block has been sitting for awhile again, as the plastic appears to have yellowed. It's highly recommended for Latakia fanatics or smokers who like their mixtures on the monochromatic side, without too many taste changes during their smoke. I could almost imagine this as a Latakia lovers perfect morning smoke, whereas I had it more in mind as the last smoke of the day. I'm sure this has something to do with my humidifying skills, so I usually only buy a couple of ounces at a time. As a lover of Latakia, I had to give this a try with all the positive reviews and the high Latakia content. I really do not smoke this straight, but I do enjoy adding this to many of the blends I enjoy that need an extra kick of Latakia. With the majority of this being Latakia, you should know what to expect. You get a decent cross section of the blend in the first third of the bowl after lighting up. Pirate Kake is also the most antisocial tobacco blend Ive ever smelled. I was really looking forward to this. This is a awesome smoke , very smokey , campfire comes to mind , there is some sweetness, but not as much as other English tobaccos, even so this is a great smoking tobacco. Highly recommended for lovers of Latakia: over 75% and yet not over powering. As I worked my way through a two ounce tin I could not help but wonder if this was created on a dare. Great for late night or cool/cold weather smoking. No different here except the smoke is much more rich. (That's not a sentence you'll hear very often.) I agree with the previous reviews that it is rather linear and lacks balance, but if you're looking at Pirate Kake like I was, it's because you wanted that lack of balance; I wanted as much Latakia as possible. It lit up very easily with no dry time and even though the taste was a single note it was not at all overwhelming . A little would go a long way. Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. you may even be rogered! I'm also getting a little cocoa and berry flavors. This was fine until I hit midbowl and quite honestly grew tired of it. I get wood smoke, earth, leather, & savory meaty bbq notes from the latakia, which is quite robust, but also well supported by a good bit of floral sweetness & nice incensey notes. Oct 11, 2018. Or, at least I thought so. Each breath of the smoke leads me on. The aroma seems to be fairly stong. Description. I smoke only virginias and perique blends. It is a perfect smoke to end the day's demands or to stir up a boring afternoon. I was expecting a one-dimensional experience, but I assure you there is more to this tobacco than many give it credit for. I took it up after having given up the pipe for a decade or so, took it up again, and wanted to recapture the intensity of the Balkan blend I used to smoke in my university days.