34. The majority of policies cannot be effectively drafted until further consultation, evidence and studies have been carried out. These will be addressed by other policies in the plan. A smart energy system is a 100% renewable energy system which maximises efficiencies and reduces costs. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can safeguard areas where there is potential for renewable energy generation (demonstrated through the RERAS) from sterilisation by other types of development/ land uses? Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The scale and massing of the built form relates to the site and the local character surrounding the development, with minimal amenity impacts relating to overlooking, over-shadowing and over-bearing issues; b) Construction materials are locally distinctive, complementary when viewed as a collection, and appropriate for their use and function, with a focus on robustness and a positive visual appearance over time; c) The arrangement and design of windows (the fenestration) is visually attractive, balanced and functional. Where public realm is required or provided, it should be accessible, attractive, functional, safe, varied, and interesting, to encourage social interaction. However, where a NSIP is in an adjacent or nearby authority, effects may be less. Development proposals for NSIPs are primarily assessed, examined and determined by National Policy Statements EN-1 and EN-6. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? This policy is a key principle behind the emerging development strategy of the local plan, and it is also reinforced and supported throughout the plan by more detailed policies which cover specific issues such as design, energy management, green infrastructure, sustainable transport and renewable energy. We want to ensure that all South Gloucestershire residents lead safe and healthy lives and that they enjoy good quality health and social care which focuses on their individual needs and enables them to retain their independence. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Non-strategic policies deal with detailed matters, like locational principles and place specific requirements. Appropriate monitoring arrangements and adequately resourced Management and Delivery Plans for both the Construction and Operational phases of NSIPs will be required to ensure that socio-economic, transport and environmental objectives are met during both construction and operation. For residential development with communal off street parking provision, at least 20 per cent of spaces are required to have active charging facilities, and passive provision is required for all remaining spaces; High density and/or large scale residential / mixed use developments are additionally required to facilitate the provision of an electric or ultra-low emission car club, and provide dedicated space for the club with active charging facilities; All non-residential developments (e.g. More details about this emerging plan can be found here: South Glos. They have a role to play not just at the West of England scale but also at the local level, where they can provide a space-efficient alternative to driving, where walking, cycling and public transport trips are not possible. It is a big challenge, but we recognise the threats to our area extensive parts of South Gloucestershire are subject to flood risk and the impacts of drought, high winds, and other extreme weather events due to climate change.At the same time, our natural environment and biodiversity are under growing pressure presenting significant risks for food production, our health and economy.We have made addressing these crises a central priority and overarching theme across our Climate Emergency Action Plan and, working with our partners, residents and communities, we will take action to protect, restore and improve our natural surroundings with a focus on woodland, grassland and wetland habitats. We see education as the primary driver for tackling inequality and with our partners we will provide an inclusive education offer in which leaders and staff have high aspirations for all children. Our new Council Plan 2020 sets out how we will build on and deliver this vision, highlighting: This is your Council Plan. 27. In all developments where provision is made for taxi stopping the taxi spaces are required to include active charging facilities. Core Strategy policy CS37 Nuclear related Development (covers the overall approach to nuclear related development, including paragraph 12 on radioactive waste). Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the built environment is therefore essential to help achieve the targets necessary to mitigate climate change, as set out in emerging Local Plan 2020 policy, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. The Local Plan, when complete, will determine the size and scale of new development across South Gloucestershire (including that in rural settlements and villages), over the next 15 years. The wider environmental benefits referred to in Clause 1b include carbon dioxide reduction. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. The neighbourhoods that are within walkable distance of key facilities and services; are adjacent to key public transport hubs including UWE, Cribbs Causeway, Yate shopping centre or within ideal walking distance of rail stations with good services to key destinations, will be considered for reduced minimum car parking provision as the choice of travel options favours non-car travel. These targets will most likely be exceeded in practice, and the Council expects on-site measures to be maximised as far as possible. 65. Development proposals are required to demonstrate how they will mitigate and adapt to climate change and help deliver radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and generate renewable and/or low carbon energy proportionate to their scale and type. 4. This could include the provision of new facilities or the upgrading of existing. Heat pumps can also be used to provide cooling from the ground and water. This should include consideration of the cumulative effects on impacts that are individually found not to be significant, so for example a series of biodiversity impacts that are found to be individually not significant, when considered together may cumulatively be found to be significant (Hinkley C Connections Project Examining Authority Report to the Secretary of State (pdf)). The contribution is calculated at 95 per tonne of carbon per year for 30 years. Updated National Planning Policy Framework in 2019; Climate emergency declared nationally and in South Gloucestershire with a focus to decarbonise travel and reduce reliance on private car journeys in carbonised vehicles; Levels of car ownership and commuting are high, creating congestion; Improving air quality across South Gloucestershire especially in declared Air Quality Management Areas; New advancements in electric vehicle and other technology making these options more viable; and There is a need to make the most efficient use of land, particularly in our urban areas. ecological crisis and inequalities within South Gloucestershire. It should achieve this by being Certified Passivhaus (or equivalent), which includes a renewable source of energy for heating and hot water and incorporates renewable energy generation technology, or through meeting the following criteria sequentially: a) Minimising demand for heating, cooling, hot water, lighting and power through building and site level measures; thenb) Meeting the residual heat demand through connection to a classified heat network or renewable heat sources; thenc) Meeting residual cooling demand sustainably sequentially through:i) passive cooling measures;ii) mechanical ventilation; and finallyiii) active renewable measures; thend) Maximising on-site renewable energy generation; and then, if necessary,e) Offsetting any remaining residual carbon emissions via a contribution to a carbon offsetting project or fund within South Gloucestershire. New Local Plan for South Gloucestershire consultation - deadline 1st The local authority is also responsible for discharging Requirements (akin to planning conditions) following the grant of a Development Consent Order. The fund will be administered by the Council and will be collected via Section 106 agreements. The following hierarchy helps explain the approach to cooling required: The use of air conditioning systems is not a sustainable cooling option and should be avoided as it exacerbates carbon dioxide emissions and overheating risks. As with any development proposal, applicants are expected to engage with the local community and seek to generate support and address any concerns highlighted. Accelerating the decarbonisation and decentralisation of the energy system in the UK is essential to mitigating climate change. The 10 characteristics (except built form and movement) have been grouped into related pairs: 1) Context local and wider context, heritage, local history and culture, 2) Identity creating and responding to local character and identity, 3) Built form compact development, appropriate building types and forms, destinations, 4) Movement integrated networks for all travel modes, hierarchy of streets, parking and utilities, 5) Nature green open spaces, landscape variety, play, water management, biodiversity, 6) Public spaces well-located and attractive spaces, safety, social interaction, 7) Uses uses mix, range of home tenures, types and sizes, socially inclusive, 8) Homes & buildings healthy, comfortable and safe, external amenity, detailing, waste provision, 9) Resources energy hierarchy, materials and techniques, maximise resilience, 10) Lifespan management and maintenance, adaptability, evolving technologies, sense of ownership. New policies might evolve from existing policies, or cover entirely new issues and topics. Electric Vehicle charging in local plan policy. Any lighting of the public realm or individual buildings should be appropriate to the intended use and functioning of the development, contribute to actual and perceived safety and avoid negative impacts on residents, as well as existing or proposed wildlife and ecology. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The siting, form, scale, height, massing, detailing, colour and materials of the development respect, and are informed by, the positive locally-distinctive qualities of both the site and its surrounding context; and. The establishment of agreed design parameters, and well defined, effective and long term monitoring arrangements, mechanisms and KPIs are key to this. For example, given the need to raise awareness of business opportunities to ensure that local companies can meet the requirements of the nuclear industry; as well as the need to ensure the availability of suitably qualified workforce both for construction and operation, early engagement in the pre-application phase will be required in respect of eduction, training, skills and supply chain strategies. There are many strands to the inequality challenge and we must work with partners in health and education, with voluntary and community groups and directly with local people to first identify those at greatest need and to then put in place timely and appropriate support, ensuring that mechanisms, guidance and pathways to further education, employment and career progression etc. the development is carbon negative) are encouraged and appropriate weight will be given to this. At least one parking space per dwelling must have active charging provision, with the remainder passive provision. New and updated Call for Sites information and submissions are being accepted whilst the Phase 2 consultation is open. The zones are areas of the district considered to have a high level of access to services and facilities and high level of public transport connections. The Keep it Local principle will see us commissioning more services and support from local voluntary and community groups who are best placed to support a new community conversation.